8750 Dt.27.02.2025
# ASO (+1)
34857 Dt.15.10.2022
# ASO (-94) US(+70), DS (+33), JS(+15), AS (+2),
20070 Dt.18.06.2022
# SO (+8) and DO (+4)
# OLLC : ASO (+3)
#GA&PG : ASO -6, SO-4, DS-2 # PR&DW : ASO-3, DO-2
Creation of 11-ASO, 2-SO, 1-DO, 3-ASO posts
(Letter No.21775/OSS Dt.22.06.2021)
# Health & FW : ASO (+5), SO (+2) # Lokayukta : SO (-1)
#Lokayukta : US(+1), SO (+10)
Creation of 1-US, 10-SO
Creation of 38-ASO, 2-SO, 1-DO posts
Abolition of 237 ASO posts
Abolition of 100 ASO posts
Resolution on introduction of ASO Cadre
No.44874 Dt.30.09.2008
No.44874 Dt.30.09.2008