7706/Home Dt. 28.02.2017 - Resolution on inter-departmental transfer of OSS officers
👉Transfer & posting of Under Secretaries
Notification No.42634 Dt.16.11.2024 (DOWNLOAD)
👉Transfer & posting of Deputy Secretaries
Notification No.42611 Dt.16.11.2024 (DOWNLOAD)
👉Temporary transfer of 12 (Twelve) Posts of Section Officers to accommodate SOs:
Notification No.30365 Dt.27.08.2021 (DOWNLOAD)
👉Transfer & posting of 15 (Fifteen) Section Officers :
Notification No.30361 Dt.27.08.2021 (DOWNLOAD)
👉Transfer & posting of 71 (Seventy One) newly promoted Section Officers
Notification No.30370 Dt.27.08.2021 (DOWNLOAD)
19804 Dt.10.05.2023 : Transfer of 6 Section Officer
28535 Dt.27.08.2020 : Partial modification in Transfer Order
27801 Dt.21.08.2020 : Transfer of 2 DOs in H&FW deptt and H&UD department
27909 Dt.22.08.2020 : Deployment of ASO/DEO to BMC for Covid work
32411 Dt.15.11.2019 : Transfer of 298 OSS Officers working more than 10 Years