Rehabilitation Assistance Rules
27414 Dt.11.10.2021 Clarification on OCS(RA) Rules, 2020
14286 Dt.27.05.2021 Clarification on NPS for RA Cases
6999 Dt. 02.03.2021 Clarification on pending RA Cases prior to new rule
5651 Dt.17.02.2020 OCS (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 2020
2237 Dt.21.01.2020 : Appointment to Group-D Posts only in RA Scheme
16138 Dt.26.07.2017 : Applicability of OCS ( Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990 - Clarification regarding
23345 Dt.05.11.2016 OCS (Rehabilitation Assistance) Amendment Rules 2016
3057 Dt.06.02.2015 : Regularisation after six years of appointment under RA scheme
34925 Dt.03.12.2014 : Applicability of Odisha Group - C & D posts (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2013 in case of appointment under OCS (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990
19902 Dt.12.09.2011 : Clarification on appointment under OCS (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules, 1990 against any posts where Basic Computer Skills is necessity
16668 Dt.25.08.2010 OCS (Rehabilitation Assistance) Amendment Rules 2010
845 Dt.13.01.2009
31537 Dt.29.12.2008 OCS (Rehabilitation Assistance) Amendment Rules 2008
25585 Dt.13.09.1990
Justice for rehabilitation assistant 1990rule
2020 go back
Justice for rehabilitation assistant 1990rule.2020 go back
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