Secretariat Stenographer

ODISHA SECRETARIAT Executive Assistant / PA/PS Cadre

Designation 6th Pay 7th Pay Level Posts Before 26.03.2013 04.03.2016 02.03.2019 08.09.2020 23.02.2022 01.10.2022
Junior Executive Assistant 2400 L-7 10 179 179 180 171
Senior Executive Assistant 4200 L-9 148 148 122 140 140 139 130
Personal Assistant 4600 L-10 209 199 199 125 126 126 122
Private Secretary 4800 L-11 101 100 116 116 116 116 113
Senior Private Secretary 5400 L-12 37 44 53 65 65 65 76
Principal Private Secretary 6600 L-13 10 10 11 18 18 18 26
Senior Principal Private Secretary 7600 L-14 2 5 5 5 5 5 10
Supdt & ex-officio Additional Secretary 8700 L-15 1 2 2 2 2 2 3
TOTAL 508 508 518 650 651 651 651

Recruitment  : 

35273 Dt.05.10.2016 : Appointment letter to 42 selected Jr Stenographer

35271 Dt.05.10.2016 : Letter to attend workshop at Rabindra Mandap

Cadre Restructuring & upgradation:

29707 Dt.08.09.2020 : Creation of one post of PA
10210 Dt.02.03.2019 : Upgradation of posts
8920 Dt.04.03.2016 : Upgradation of Posts
12539 Dt.26.03.2013 : Upgradation of posts

Recruitment Rules

Odisha Secretariat Executive Assistant and Personal Assistant (Method of Recruitment & Conditions of Service) Amendment Rules 2021


Odisha Secretariat Stenographer & Personal Assistant (Method of Recruitment & Conditions of Service) Amendment Rules, 2002

Odisha Secretariat Private Secretaries Service Amendment Rules, 1999

Odisha Secretariat Private Secretaries Service Rules, 1997 AND Odisha Secretariat Stenographer & Personal Assistant ( Method of recruitment and conditions of service) Rules, 1997

Gradation List

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what is the difference in between Junior Executive Assistant & Assistant Section Officer as per working environment?