Secretariat Group-D Cadre


1. Peon/ Orderly peon / Chowkidar/ Choukidar - cum - Sweeper / Night Watchman / Gardener / Process Server / Sweeper etc. (L-1) 

2. Daftary/ Zamadar/ Record Supplier/ Treasury Sarkar  (L-3) 

3. Jr Gr Diarist / Jr Gr Recorder/ Pasting Clerk (L-4) 

4. Sr Gr Diarist / Sr Gr Recorder (L-7) 

5. Diary Superintendent (L-9) 


No. 4206 Dt.08.02.1999 : Treasury Peons as Treasury Sarkar

Restructuring of Group-D post

No.20665 Dt.20.08.2022 : RESOLUTION

No.    280 Dt.03.01.2019 : Post details

No.36796 Dt.26.11.2018 : RESOLUTION

Promotion of Group-D staff

No. 13012 Dt.04.06.2020 : Uniform criteria for promotion

No.  2444 Dt.25.01.2019 : Amendment-III

(Promotion as per cadre restructured) 

No.15404 Dt.03.08.2010 : Amendment-II

(Age reduced fom 3&5 years to 2&3 years) 

No.15059 Dt.29.07.2010 : Amendment-I

(Promotional quota raised 5% to 10%) 

No. 7205 Dt.23.03.1998 : Modification

No. 2196 Dt.29.01.1997 : RESOLUTION

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