In exercise of power conferred under Rule-19 of the ORSP Rules' 2008, the Government is now pleased to bring following modifications in Para-1 and Para-10 of the RACP Scheme guideline issued vide this Department Resolution No.3560/F, dated 06.02.2013. (Download.PDF)
Reference Resolution
3560 Dt.06.02.2013
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a) The words "in a single cadre" mentioned in first sentence of Para-1 of Annexure-l of Finance Department Resolution No.3560/, dated 06.02.2013 are hereby deleted.
b) Para-10 of Annexure-l of the said Resolution is substituted by the following paragraph.
"10. Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme, which means the pay shall be raised by 3% of total of pay in the Pay Band and the Grade Pay drawn before such upgradation.
The words "in a single cadre" mentioned in first sentence of Para-1 of Annexure-l of Finance Department Resolution No.3560/, dated 06.02.2013 are hereby deleted.
Para-10 of Annexure-l of the said Resolution is substituted by the following paragraph.
(i) The employees, who do not have any promotional hierarchy in their existing cadre nor have any scope for selection into a post of another cadre carrying higher pay, will get next higher Grade Pay available in the First Schedule of the ORSP Rules' 2008.
(ii) The employees having only one or two promotional hierarchies in their existing cadre and not having any scope for selection into a post of another cadre carrying higher pay, will get Grade Pay attached to the promotional post(s) of their existing cadre and, thereafter, next higher Grade Pay available in the First Schedule of the ORSP Rules' 2008.
(iii) The employees having three or more promotional hierarchies in their existing cadre; with/without having scope for selection into a post of another cadre carrying higher pay, will get Grade Pay attached to the promotional posts in their existing hierarchy, up to three promotions.
(iv) The employees who do not have any promotional hierarchy in their existing cadre; but have scope for selection into a post of another cadre carrying higher pay, will get Grade Pay of the post of that another cadre subject to satisfying the eligibility criteria for selection to the said post of the said another cadre. However, if an employee does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for selection to the said post of the said another cadre, he will be entitled for next higher Grade Pay available in the First Schedule of the ORSP Rules' 2008.
In case the new Grade Pay corresponds to a different Pay Band, the employee will get the Pay Band corresponding to the revised Grade Pay. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion