Saturday 18 May 2019

Notice to disengage of two ASOs of 2012-13

In the meantime Home Department has issued notice to Two ASOs namely Sudhir Ranjan Sahoo (PR&DW Deptt.) and Manoj Kumar Khatoi (Governor's Secretariat) for disengagement from service to accommodate three other eligible candidates. (SEBC-02 & ST-01). Earlier Sri Dinabandhu Munda, ASO was disengaged from service vide Home Deptt.  Letter No.4778 Dt.25.07.2017 and one Sri Abhilash Bhoi was recommended  in his place. But fortunately Sri Khatoi has joined OTAS.

Background Story:
Advertisement for 811 posts
OA No.3965 and other 34 cases filed in  2012
Revised Vacancy published
Honble OAT Ordered to allow candidates eligible for the year 1998-2010 in respect of vacancies of Jr Assistant / Assistant Section Officer which were caused in these years are eligible to take these examinations pursuance to the advertisement Dt.06.10.2010, participate in the selection process and their results if kept in sealed cover be declared along with others. Because no advertisement was there between 30.09.2008 (resolution of ASO cadre creation) to 06.04.2010 (OSS (method of recruitment and service) Rules, 2010 came into force) either for Junior Assistant/ASO posts.
2015- Govt filed case WP(C) 8516/2015 against OAT order.
Examination held 
Final Result published
Honble High Court ordered not to interfere in the order of OAT and ordered Govt. to implement the order.
Notice to Dinabandhu Munda, ASO
Contempt case filed against non - implementation of above orders
OPSC recommended a revised list of 811 candidates.
Disengage Notice to two ASOs

Cases under Reference:
WP(C) No.8516/2015 - State of Odisha & others Vs Sudipta Kumar Mohanty and
OA No.3965 of 2012

It is so bad that due to mistakes of OPSC officials in selection process, these three ASOs had to suffer. So rather than disengagement of ASOs, we demand proper disciplinary action on those officials for which this litigation arises.