Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Unstarred questions for monsoon session of Assembly

Fourth Session of 
Sixteenth Odisha Legislative Assembly
(29th September - 7th October) 

MHA Order for re-opening of more activities in October, 2020

 Click here for the ORDER.pdf

Modified posting of Desk Officers on promotion from Section Officer

On partial modification, the Desk Officers got promoted from the rank of Section Officers in last Notification are posted in the respective Departments as below in the revised Notification.

 Click here for the Notification.PDF

Functioning of Government Offices during October 2020


👉50% Strength of employees in offices at Bhubaneswar & Cuttack (including Group-A Officers)
👉All State Government Offices throughout the State closed on Saturdays.

Click here to Download.PDF

Retirement of OSS officers on 30.09.2020


Click for notification. PDF

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

COVID-19 Test in Assembly: 184 found positive

A COVID-19 testing (RT-PCR) camp was organised in the premises of Odisha Legislative Assembly by BMC & Capital Hospital. In view of the forthcoming monsoon session of OLA, samples were collected from Honble Ministers, MLAs, PSOs, Drivers, Officers/staff of OLA, media persons etc in three days i.e. on September 26,27&28.

26.09.2020 # Sample collected = 757 
# Positive = 136
# Members of OLA found positive = 2

27.09.2029 # Sample collected = 231 
# Positive = 48
# Members of OLA found positive = 12

28.09.2029 # Sample collected = 210 
# Positive = 25
Members of OLA found positive = 5

4th Session of Odisha Legislative Assembly starts today.

 29 September - 7th October, 2020

(SEP - 29, 30   OCT- 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) 
Tuesday :  Oct 6, Sept 29
PR&DW, RD, Forest & Env, H&UD, Labour & ESI, PA, Law
WednesdayOct 7, Sept 30
Agri&FE, FS&CW, S&ME, HE, Co-operation, F&ARD
Thursday:  Oct 1
WR, P&C, Tourism, I&PR, C&T (Commerce), Odia LLC, C&T (Transport)
Saturday:  Oct 3
R&DM, ST&SC Dev, Energy, Sports&YS, Industry, Electronics & IT, MSME
Sunday : Oct 4
W&CD&MS, Science & Tech, HT&H, Skill Dev & TE, SS&EPD, PE
Monday : Oct 5     
Home, Finance, Health & FW, Works, Excise, Steel & Mines, GA&PG

Saturday, 26 September 2020

ASOs in Secretariat complete 4 years of service in October

After long duration of 20 years, 810 ASOs were appointed in Odisha State Secretariat as well as Governors Secretariat on 06.10.2016. They are going to complete four years of service in the first week of next month. 
Similarly another batch of 139 ASOs were selected through Special Drive Recruitment and joined this service in February, 2016.

In the meantime, many of them have left their service to join other higher salaried jobs like OAS, OPS, ORS, OT&AS etc. 
So to
have a brief on the present strength, salary structure, working environment, experience, other extra curricular talents, special assignment during major events in Bhubaneswar and emergency duty during covid pandemic etc, a Book of Information will be posted here for information of all. 
I request all of your valuable suggestions regarding the contents of this booklet. 
Any ASO can also share his article related to OSS Cadre. 

#005 Government job updates Dt.26.09.2020

👉 Different posts conducted by OPSC, OSSC and OSSSC 

ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (OPSC) was constituted on 1 April, 1949. It conducts the recruitment examinations for 

# Odisha Civil Services, 

# Odisha Judicial Services, 

# Odisha Police Services and 

# for various other services and for the posts of the State of Odisha as per Article 320 of the Constitution of India as per the provision of the Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination) Rule, 1991 and Odisha Judicial Service Rule, 2007 and subsequent amendments made thereof. 


The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) was set up by Govt. of Odisha as a statutory body in the year 1994 for carrying out direct recruitment against Group-C posts in the State cadre (as against District cadre) as may be scheduled in the OSSC Rules, 1993. There are some 85 different cadres of posts/ services under various departments of Government. 

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission Rules, 1993 (different posts conducted) 

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (Amendment) Rules, 2020


The Commission which became functional from 1 November, 2012. The commission intends to regulate the method of recruitment to all Group-C civil posts and services under different district offices of Government of Odisha. 

Different posts conducted by OSSSC


UPSC : Admit Cards available for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2020 Click here

OPSC : Program Notice of Written examination for Assistant Law Officer (Advt No. 07/2019-20) View PDF


Junior Clerk in DLSA (District Legal Services Authority) and Junior Clerk-cum-Typist in TLSC (Taluk Legal Services Committee) 
# Posts: 5 ( Contractual Group-C) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 8,880/- (1st year) 
# Last Date: 13.10.2020
Branch Postmaster & Assistant Branch Postmasters/ Dak Sevaks (India Post) 
#Posts : 2060
#Pay Scale (TRCA) : ₹10000 & ₹12000
#Apply date : 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020
Combined Auditor
# Posts: 161 ( Contractual Group-B) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 16,880/- (1st year) 
# Apply Date: 28.08.2020 to 28.09.2020
Field Assistant
# Posts: 22 ( Contractual Group-C) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 9,500/- (1st year) 
# Apply Date: 28.08.2020 to 28.09.2020

Special arrangements for Monsoon Session of Assembly


Photo : Samaj & Prameya

Monsoon session of Assembly : Decisions taken in all party meeting

Assembly Session

29th September - 7th October

# Session on saturday and Sunday also

# No session on 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti) 

Session schedule

First day : Starts at 11AM

Other days : Daily 4 hours. 

# 10:30AM - 01:00PM and 03:00PM - 04:30PM

# No Question Hour 

# Zero hour & adjournment motion to be allowed


No Covid-19 infected person shall enter the assembly.

RT-PCR test of all MLAs and their staff will begin from Saturday morning. 

There would be another round of RT-PCR tests 5 days after the session begins. 

Sitting arrangements have been made keeping in view the social distancing norm. Speakers Gallery and Visitors Gallery are also assigned to MLAs. 

Those MLAs who can’t come to attend the session can join it from their respective districts through video conferencing facility from district headquarters.

PC: Twitter of Honble speaker

List of ASOs (substitute) deployed to BMC

 Click here for OFFICE ORDER. pdf

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Seniority issue : Home Department rejects petition of ASOs (Induction Batch)

As per the Final Gradation List of ASOs, the ASOs recruited directly in 2016 (Recruitment year 2012) are placed ahead of those got promoted form Group-D posts in 2013. 
In this regard, petition had been filed by the promoted ASOs claiming their seniority ahead of the ASOs joined after 3 years of their induction. 

But based on year of recruitment, Home Department has rejected the petition. 
Click here for the ORDER. pdf

Reshuffle in IPS Cadre in Odisha

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Monsoon session of Rajyasabha and Loksabha adjourned sine die

The Monsoon Session of the Parliament was adjourned sine die on Wednesday, 7 days before the schedule, amid concerns of the spread of corona virus among lawmakers. The monsoon session was scheduled from September 14 to October 1, but it had to be cut short due to the spread of the virus. 

Special arrangements for 4th Session of OLA

As precautionary measures for containing spread of Covid-19 during the forthcoming session of Odisha Legislative Assembly to be commenced from 29th September, special arrangements have been done for the members. Honble Speaker, Sri Surya Narayan Patro had visited OLA house on Tuesday to review the arrangements. 

PC: Twitter of Honble Speaker

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Ask questions about Home Isolation

ଲକ୍ଷଣ ନଥିବା କିମ୍ବା ସ୍ବଳ୍ପ ଲକ୍ଷଣ ଥିବା କୋଭିଡ୍ ରୋଗୀମାନେ ହୋମ୍ ଆଇସୋଲେସନରେ ରହି ପାରିବେ। ଏହି ସମ୍ବନ୍ଧରେ ବିଶେଷଜ୍ଞମାନେ ପ୍ରେସ୍ ବିବୃତି ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ ସପ୍ତାହବ୍ୟାପୀ ଅପରାହ୍ନ ୪.୩୦ଟାରୁ ୫ଟା ଯାଏଁ ପରାମର୍ଶ ଦେବେ। ଏ ସଂକ୍ରାନ୍ତରେ କୌଣସି ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ଥିଲେ ଅପରାହ୍ନ ୩ଟାରୁ ୩.୩୦ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ୯୯୩୭୫ ୬୪୦୬୬ ନମ୍ବରକୁ ହ୍ବାଟସଆପ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ।
- ସୂଚନା ଓ ଲୋକ ସମ୍ପର୍କ ବିଭାଗ, ଓଡ଼ିଶା ସରକାର

Government Officers as Mentors for Adarsh Vidhyalay Sangathan

Policy for transfer of employees : Loksabha (Q & A)


Loksabha Question on Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)

Saturday, 19 September 2020

ASOs deployed to BMC will work till new batch joined

Recruitment of ASOs and appointment of Jr DEOs in Secretariat

Dear all, 
Thank you for visiting this blog and your support. Again thanks for your query on different aspects relating Odisha Secretariat News. 

First of all we want to inform that, this blog is fully non-official. It's being maintained personally as a hobby. So before taking any action on the information being posted here, please verify or cross check from the concerned official website. Still we assure you to post 99.99% acurate information available from different sources. As a Government employee, we have some restrictions on posting official information in social media. So only the permissible documents or news are being posted here. You all are aware about this. 

Some valuable visitors are trying to contact me over phone, email and whatsApp regarding next recruitment for ASOs and appointment of Junior Data Entry Operators in Secretariat. Till now there is no such confirmation on ASO recruitment in 2020 and as far appointment of Jr DEO is concerned, this matter is with Hon'ble Court. We will try to explain with detail information in next post. 

So again thanks all for encouraging us to post some valuable information for you. Some visitors are feeling free to call me when found any typo error. So many many thanks to them. Your suggestion and feedback is always welcome through the email and contact number provided on the Right-Top of this blog. 

Different portfolios in Odisha Legislative Assembly

Shri Surya Narayan Patro

Shri Rajani Kant Singh

Shri Pradipta Kumar Naik

Smt Pramila Mallik

Shri Rohit Pujari

Shri Dasharathi Satpathy

Shri Ganeshi Lal

Shri Naveen Patnaik
(GA&PG Department, Home Department) 

Cabinet Ministers:
1. Shri Niranjan Pujari. -- Finance, Excise.
2. Shri Bikram Keshari Arukha. -- Forest & Environment, Parliamentary Affairs.
3. Shri Prafulla Kumar Mallik. -- Steel & Mines, Works.
4. Shri Ranendra Pratap Swain. -- Food Supplies & Consumer Welfare, Co-operation.
5. Shri Padmanabha Behera. -- Planning & Convergence, Commerce & Transport.
6. Shri Pratap Jena. -- Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water, Law, Housing & Urban
7. Shri Arun Kumar Sahoo. -- Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Fisheries &
Animal Resources Development, Higher Education.
8. Shri Sudam Marndi. -- Revenue & Disaster Management
9. Shri Susanta Singh. -- Rural Development, Labour & Employees’ State Insurance.
10. Shri Naba Kisore Das. -- Health & Family Welfare.
11. Smt Tukuni Sahu. -- Women & Child Development and Mission Shakti

Ministers of State (Independent Charge):
1. Shri Jagannath Sarka. -- S.T. & S.C. Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare.
2. Shri Dibya Shankar Mishra. -- Energy, Industries, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.
3. Shri Ashok Chandra Panda. -- Science & Technology, Public Enterprises, Social
Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disability.
4. Shri Samir Ranjan Das. -- School & Mass Education.
5. Shri Jyoti Prakash Panigrahi. -- Tourism; Odia Language, Literature & Culture.
6. Shri Premananda Nayak. -- Skill Development & Technical Education.
7. Shri Raghunandan Das. -- Water Resources, Information & Public Relations.
8. Smt Padmini Dian. -- Handlooms, Textiles & Handicrafts.
9. Shri Tusharkanti Behera. -- Electronics & Information Technology, Sports & Youth
Minister of State:
1. Capt. Dibyasankar Mishra. -- Home

#004 Government job updates Dt.19.09.2020


RAILWAY: Application Status of CEN No. 01/2019 (NTPC Post) - The link will be active from 21.09.2020 to 30.09.2020

BANKING (IBPS) : Last date of registration for Recruitment of Clerks - 23.09.2020


Branch Postmaster & Assistant Branch Postmasters/ Dak Sevaks (India Post) 
#Posts : 2060
#Pay Scale (TRCA) : ₹10000 & ₹12000
#Apply date : 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020
Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil) in PR&DW Department 
# Posts: 210 ( Group-A) 
Pay Scale : 15600-39100 + 5400, (Level -12) 
# Apply Date: 26.08.2020 to 27.09.2020
Combined Auditor
# Posts: 161 ( Contractual Group-B) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 16,880/- (1st year) 
# Apply Date: 28.08.2020 to 28.09.2020
Field Assistant
# Posts: 22 ( Contractual Group-C) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 9,500/- (1st year) 
# Apply Date: 28.08.2020 to 28.09.2020
Combined Police Service Examination-2019
# Posts: 104 ( Contractual Group-B)
(Sub-Inspector of Police - 47
Station Officer (Fire Service) - 13
Assistant Jailor - 44 ) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 16,880/- (1st year) 
# Apply Date: 26.08.2020 to 25.09.2020
Junior Stenographer
# Posts: 03 ( Contractual Group-C) 
# Remuneration : Rs. 9,500/- (1st year) 
# Apply Date: 26.08.2020 to 25.09.2020
Previous updates (Saturdays):

Friday, 18 September 2020

Another group of 50 ASOs deployed to BMC

Deployment (to BMC) period of first batch comprising 50 ASOs and 15 DEOs is going to be completed on 19.09.2020. But in view of the current situation of COVID cases in Bhubaneswar, BMC had requested Home Department for continuation of the existing group for another one month or to depute another batch to work with BMC till 20.10.2020.
In response to this request, Home Department has deployed a new group of 50 ASOs with order for continuation of 15 DEOs (deployed earlier) till 20.10.2020.

It's to mention here that there was displeasure among OSS officers for this deployment. Also five out of the 50 ASOs were detected Covid Positive during their deployment period. And in this regard several correspondences have been made with Chief Secretary, Honble Home Minister with request to provide protection measures while these Officers are being exposed in community. Also proper care should be taken for their treatment if anyone falls ill or finds himself covid positive. 

Let's hope for no issues this time. 


Thursday, 17 September 2020

Precautionary measures during Assembly Sessions

In memory of Late Akshaya Mahakud

ବିଶିଷ୍ଟ କର୍ମଚାରୀ ନେତା
ତଥା ସଚିବାଳୟ ସେବା ସଂଘର ସାଧାରଣ ସଂପାଦକ
ଦିବଂଗତ ଅକ୍ଷୟ ମହାକୁଡ଼
୧୫.୦୫.୧୯୬୪ - ୧୩.୦୯.୨୦୧୫

No proposal for change in age of superannuation


(TO BE ANSWERED ON 16.09.2020)


Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:
(a) whether there is a proposal to retire employees of Central and State Government after completing a maximum service period of 30 years;
(b) if so, whether the Government will mandate the same for all employees of the Central Government in different States;
(c) if so, whether the Government will also mandate the same for all employees of different State Governments; and
(d) the objective behind placing a ceiling limit of 30 years of service for Government employees?


(a): There is no proposal to change the age of superannuation of Central Government employees.
 The State Government employees are governed by the rules/regulations framed by their respective State Governments.
(b) to (d): Does not arise in view of (a) above.