Saturday, 31 August 2019
Friday, 30 August 2019
Thursday, 29 August 2019
1st Batch Training of ASOs (OPSC 2018) from 4th September
From Works Department
Debabrata Kar (Roads)
OPSC Sl.93
Aryadev Chandra Sekhar Mansingh (OE-I)
OPSC Sl.95
Punit Kar (FE-III)
PM launches the Fit India Movement
29th August, 2019
Prime Minister's Office
PM launches the Fit India Movement
New India should also be a Fit India, says PM
Change Your Lifestyle, Make Fitness a daily Routine, PM urges India
Fitness is part of our historic legacy: PM
A healthy Individual, a healthy family and a healthy society are the essentials to make New India a Fit India: PM
Posted On: 29 AUG 2019 2:24PM by PIB Delhi
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Fit India Movement at a ceremony in New Delhi today on the occasion of National Sports Day. The Prime Minister urged the people of the country to make fitness their life style.
Launching the people’s movement on the birth anniversary of Major Dhyanchand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tributes to Major Dhyanchand, India’s sports icon who enthralled the world with his game and techniques. He also congratulated the young sportspersons of the country who are keeping the tricolor afloat on the world stage through their efforts.
“Their medals are a not only the result of their hard work but reflection of a new zeal and new confidence of a New India”, the PM said.
The Prime Minister said that ‘Fit India Movement’ should become a national goal and its aspiration. In an effort to inspire the nation, the Prime Minister said that Fit India Movement may have been started by the government but it is the people who have to lead it and make it a success.
“Success is related to fitness, success stories of all of our icons from any field of life have a common thread- most of them are fit, have a focus on fitness and are fond of fitness”, the PM added.
Prime Minister said, “Technology has reduced our physical ability and has robbed us of our daily fitness routines and today we are unaware of our traditional practises and lifestyle which could keep us fit. With time, fitness has been relegated a lower priority in our society. Earlier a person used to walk or cycle for kilometers, today mobile apps have to tell us how many steps we walked”.
“Today lifestyle diseases are on a rise in India affecting even the young. Cases of diabetes and hypertension is on the rise and even common among children in India. But small lifestyle changes can prevent these lifestyle diseases. ‘Fit India Movement’ is an effort to bring these small lifestyle changes”, the PM said.
The Prime Minister said that people in any profession can make themselves efficient in their profession if they are mentally and physical fit. If body is fit, then you would be mentally fit. Sports has a direct relation to fitness but ‘Fit India Movement’ aims to go beyond fitness. Fitness is not just a word but an essential pillar to a healthy and prosperous life. When we prepare our bodies for battle, we make the country strong as iron. Fitness is part of our historic legacy. Games and sports are played in every nook and corner of India. While working on the body they also train the mind, increasing focus and coordination of body parts. A healthy Individual, a healthy family and a healthy society are the essentials to make New India a Fit India.
“Swasth vyakti, swasth parivar aur swasth samaj, yahi naye Bharat ko shresth Bharat banane ka raasta hai. Today, on National Sports Day we pledge to strengthen the Fit India Movement”, the Prime Minister said.
Early salary disbursement this month
The Finance Department (Govt, of Odisha) has taken a decision for disbursement of salary for its employees and pension for its pensioners for the month of August on 31.08.2019 in view of the consecutive holidays on September 1 and 2 before Nuakhai festival on September 3.
The department has apprised all district Collectors in this regard through a letter.
OSSA Executive Body supports integration !!!!
Today, another meeting as decided yesterday in the same place, same time. If we overlook last 7 days activities, OSS Cadre - OSSA - Young ASOs is not a chain of similar thoughts, plan, ethics, education and intention also.
As a OSS Officer and with very much interest in this organisation activities, I am attending all meetings/gatherings arranged by different groups with different ideology. And in the end of today's meeting, it's very much clear that the present executive body of OSSA really not interested to protest the upcoming concept of Composite Department (although in open meeting they are crying for this situation).
As a OSS Officer and with very much interest in this organisation activities, I am attending all meetings/gatherings arranged by different groups with different ideology. And in the end of today's meeting, it's very much clear that the present executive body of OSSA really not interested to protest the upcoming concept of Composite Department (although in open meeting they are crying for this situation).
We don't know why they are trying to ruin this organisation, where they are well known that no-one in this world have existence without support of of others.
If we discuss day wise happenings, any one can understand the present situation, it's consequences and also predict it's remedial action.
In any organisation, a very few people come to front, some give speech, many of them support the leaders and some take responsibility. But a large part contribute towards the selection of their representatives to run this organisation. So in democracy, the common people and common interest should be given priority for a better governance and the present Government is well aware about that.
Day 1 (21st)- resolution issued
Day 1 (evening) - General Secretary made welcome to the decision
Day 2 (22nd)- Few members forced GS to change the bite in media. All Executive members gathered in PR Lawn (later declared as General Body Meeting) agreed to prepare memorandum and submit to govt by Monday (26th)
Day 3 (23rd)- holiday
Day 4 (24th)- some members called a meeting with some well experienced officers of this cadre to have a discussion and debate about different angles of this resolution with different analysis. Also decided to wait for Monday on action plan to be taken by the Executives.
Day 5 (25th)- holiday
Day 6 (26th)- No progress.
Day 7 (27th) - Again a meeting got arranged by same people with invitation to all Executive Body members. Except GS, all other 8 members attended with those concerned senior members and decided to have another meeting on Wednesday for next course of action.
Day 8 (28th)- although there was increase in number of ASOs, but 6 Executive members (including GS & President) were absent. So it proved that the present elected body are not caring for the whole cadre and it's welfare.
Here the concept of General Body Meeting comes. If those people who does not care the people, by whom they are enjoying their post in such a reputed organisation of the state, the meeting felt that they have lost their integrity and humanity also. So all of the members decided to move forward with the following steps.
1. A general body meeting will be arranged in PR Lawn on Friday with the pre-prepared memorandum. After addition and deletion , the final draft memorandum will be got signed by all OSS Members (as much possible) and will be submitted to Honble CM.
2. On the same day, the present members will be removed from their post and Election Commissioner will be declared through a press release.
Although, different opinion comes from different angles but as per the present plan of Government, so many steps are being taken with a dream to implement 5T charter in all public services. So in this point of view, it's a good step. There will be no harm for OSS Cadre, if the present resolution will come into action. But hundreds of apprehension are coming to mind of this cadre. So all are in a voice of opposing this process.
Practical example:
Although it has not been decided whether a department will be shifted to Directorate or the vice versa, today one of the OAS Officers of my Department asked me to choose two active ASOs to work in Nirman Saudha (HoD of Works Department). I don't want to write the next conversations, but all should be aware that, in top level of the administration, process has already been started and within a short period it is going to be implemented.
2000 OSSA Members have choosed their representatives for two years.
From beginning of July, their term is over.
They are just like the care taker body of this association.
If they are not ready to work for this cadre in this vital moment, they should tender resignation in moral point of view, rather than blaming others.
If the above is not happening, then General Body will remove them.
After today's meeting, it got cleared that politics is the only thing happening in OSSA with personal revenge mode and OSS cadre is in danger.
Time will teach a lesson to all.
Apna time ayega .... ayega......
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Integration of Directorates is like a slow poison : OSSA
Since the day of resolution issued by GA&PG Department on integration of Directorates with Administrative Departments, meetings are being organised in OSSA house for discussion and decision on different points where OSS Cadre smells some conspiracy.
Although it was neither an Executive Meeting nor General Council Meeting and not also a General Body Meeting, but it can be treated as a meeting among all experienced and wise members of OSSA who thinks for betterment of this cadre. Among the senior members, Krishna Prasad Mohapatra, Dambarudhar Ghana, Haraprasad Biswal, Chittaranjan Hota, Abhaya Mohapatra, Pradeep Rout, Sundarmurti Beuria, Tapas Rout, Manoranjan Jena, Srikant Sharma, Sameer Panda, Premanand Jena, Tarun Nayak and others were present alongwith 30-40 ASOs who are ever concerned for this cadre.
Different aspects of the resolution, it's positive and negative impacts were discussed among these members as below.
1. As a whole the resolution was treated as a slow poison for this cadre. Because everyone had apprehension on losing integrity in job.
2. Noone could hope for a good governance and public service under 5-T charter, as this Govt is trying for centralisation of work rather than decentralisation.
3. No can expect very big and important Directorates like Directorate of Control Accounts of Finance Department or Directorate General (Police) of Home Department and others can be integrated for timely delivery of public service.
4. Combination of Directorates and HoD is a big institution. Where Govt. make its advertisement of creating job opportunities, practically it wants post abolition. So it should be protested statewide on behalf of all associations.
5. One ASO friend suspected availing GA Quarter easily in Secretariat Quota as like now.
6. As Govt. wants reformation by implementing 5T for timely public service delivery, we can support but it is suggested to integrate OSWAS with HoD and Offices should function in their present place.
As the General Secretary was absent in the said meeting due to some personal emergency, this meeting could not come to any conclusion regarding memorandum to Govt. Many members suggested for a steering committee to be formed under the Chairmanship of Chittaranjan Hota, a senior member with good knowledge in Service Condition and this association. But for some more debate on this issue and preparing a draft memorandum, it was decided to meet again at the same place in same time with more members on Wednesday.
After preparation of memorandum, it will be put in mass gathering, so called General Body Meeting at PR Lawn and next day it will be presented to Government.
All promised to gather in maximum number at PR Lawn (Date to be announced shortly) for showing unity for common interest and saving this cadre.
Monday, 26 August 2019
Sunday, 25 August 2019
Analysis on HoD-Deptt integration : Part 2
Condition 3
The sections such as Office Establishment, Issue and Accounts, Cash etc common to both the offices shall be appropriately reorganized and officers such as DDO and Establishment Officer and staff may be utilised accordingly in the Composite Departments to ensure better efficiency avoiding duplication of work and wastage of time.
If we expect formation of composite departments in same building then only a single DDO or EO and issue, accounts etc can be possible. For information, already some composite departments are functioning in our Govt. like ST&SC dev.., Culture, Tourism, I & PR and W&CD.
But if we analyse work culture of these Departments, we can have a better knowledge on the bitter future of OSS cadre.
In I&PR and Tourism department, a single DDO- Establishment- Issue -diary system functioning. So OSS officers are submitting files to directors. HoD staff are sitting next to OSS officers. Here one can see, the HoD staff may get high salary due to long service period or promotion but in official hierarchy they are below OSS cadre. So our apprehension is humiliation of our common interest while submitting file to them. The reverse is also not so sound.
In culture department, two of OSS cadre are working in the directorate. But there is duplication of work because of separate workplace. So Govt. has intention to change the whole system as two tier unlike other states.
Demand of OSS Cadre:
When any employee is being upgraded both in designation and workplace, they never protest it. But we cannot tolerate personal humiliation before them. Government can think of betterment of people as well as directorate staff but that should not affect this apex cadre of the state. A guideline should be prepared accordingly. Suitable amendments should be there in each cadre rule. Degradation in any area of our service will not be accepted. OSS cadre will no way accept CCR and any permission from subordinate cadre officers.
Condition 4
Surplus staff, if any, shall be surrendered to the pool being managed by the Administrative reform cell of GA&PG Department for redeployment and vacant posts at the lowest level shall be abolished as per the guidelines of Finance department.
We may expect Govt. in GA&PG Department to control both cadres (HoD & OSS) and deployment of them in each composite department. So there must be some ambiguity. Any surplus staff of HoD will be deployed in Departments and vice versa. But after integration there will be no concept of directorate and administrative department. So we have to assume all to be staff of the same pool but from different cadres. In each Govt. sector, employees from different cadre work. But a hierarchy have been maintained which can't be expected in this integration process.
Demand of OSS Cadre
OSS cadre is opposing whole process but will not hesitate to protest any humiliation and degradation of our dignity. The responsibility and job profile of both cadre may change but should not be altered. By appointing us under a certain service rule (for that unique integrity, many high qualified people are here), we shouldn't be directed to work in another atmosphere. It will be a big cheating for we 1400 new ASOs particularly.
Condition 5
Condition 5
The concerned staff will continue to remain in their respective cadres and will avail service benefits in their own cadre hierarchy. On account of promotion, death, resignation or otherwise, the base level posts in the Heads of Department will stand abolished and in lieu of that, as per requirement, the same shall be filled up from Secretariat Common Cadre meant for HoD keeping in view the administrative necessity in due consultation /concurrence with Finance department. Recruitment in the level of Junior Assistant in HoD Cadre will not be held until further order.
It's a very confusing condition. Recruitment of base level post i.e. Junior Assistant is stopped until further orders. So it's a possibility that after some reformation, if Govt. feels necessary, then recruitment may be processed. On the other hand, it is very much clearly mentioned about abolition of base level posts through promotion, resignation or death. So the required staff in Directorate level work will be filled up by Secretariat Common Cadre meant for HoD. If we highlight the word “meant for HoD”, we can say Govt. have a plan to create another new cadre with distinguished education eligibility, special work assignment and others. It is expected so because of term abolition. But no clear information on OSS Cadre. In future it may also merge with that Common Cadre. Because, in the meantime govt plan to bring all under the same roof. Yes, it will take time for all of these. But office work will not be stopped. Hence any type of interim order may be there with a remark, “until further orders” as like some ASOs deployed in O/o the Lokayukta. After that declaration came that, O/o the Lokayukta is one of the HoD. But still they are working in so called other office. So many such alterations may seen future. Although Govt. has not declared that both cadres will avail service benefit in each cadre as usual, but we have to remember that restructuring has been in both cadre recently in the beginning of this year. Where 237 ASO posts has been abolished. In other hand the nomenclature of Sr Assistant has been changed to ASO as like happened in OSS Cadre. Next is to bring both under same roof. So we can say that its a clear plan to equalise both ASOs.
Demand of OSS Cadre:
Now it's being felt that Govt. has a long plan on this merger. Many more new reformation may come out. Though we have not protested this nomenclature of ASO in HoD in past (when our association was in power), now Govt having courage to take another step. Although our association is in transit period for a new elected body, still then we all are showing our displeasure. It's true that in other cadres, one can get a promotion to the base level post of next higher cadre. i.e. Peon to ASO, Senior clerk to ORS, OAS to IAS etc. But in each case they have to leave their parent cadre and join in the new cadre. But in current scenario, the system may not go like that. If cadres will merge in the future, one can't expect a good outcome which is the dream of this Govt. At each and every moment, we are asking ourselves as a Government Servant in the apex office of the State. While appointment of these three batches of ASOs, i.e. 2011-12, 2015-16 and 2018-19, each candidate has been given a handbook or information booklet (available in the BOOK menu of this blog). While going through, we OSS cadre and our family feel proud that we are a part of Govt. Policy Making Body, we are drafting Governor's Speech, preparing State Budget Documents, supplying answers to respective ministries to reply in Assembly and many more. But what we see the future of the resolution, the whole state Govt. Employee from Tahasil to Secretariat will be equivalent. We don't oppose in giving salary to others as equivalent to us, because work culture of different cadres is different. One Revenue Inspector having GP 4200, that does not mean that RI (who is assigned to implement Govt. Program) recruited through District Level examination among 3000-4000 candidates will work in Secretariat with ASOs. Obviously it will humiliate our interest. By born we can be poor but can't prefer to be adopted by a poor family.
So, Govt should make clear his intention and be careful for our job security with integrity in post as well as job profile.
The name of Secretariat Building may be changed, the system may be changed, but OSS Cadre should be protected in all respect.
Staff position in both cadres
Condition 6
The Administrative Department shall take necessary steps to make budget provisions for the composite department. Necessary budget provisions for the integrated Department shall be made from the next financial year in consultation with Finance Department.
Although it's a common thing to make budget provision for this new system. So it does not affect any cadre. Only Govt. will try to reduce its expenditure towards administration.
Demand of OSS Cadre.
In this condition (may be drafting problem), both terms, composite department and integrated department are used. Although it may be taken as a single system/ department, still the Administrative Department has been assigned to make budget provision. So here also we the administrative department can expect to remain exist as a separate body in this integrated system which will not harmful to us.
Although it's not a clear resolution on every intention and movement of Government in the near future , we suspect amalgamation in a whole. We demand our integrity, respected job profile and dignity in society. Otherwise media/people will laugh at those IITians, IT professionals, Bankers who left their job to join as an Officer in the Secretariat but not as a clerk in the so called Composite or integrated department. In future no one should ask us, whether we are working in directorate office or administrative office of the integrated system. Rather I want to say and work like the Assistant Section Officer in Odisha Secretariat.Analysis on HoD-Deptt. integration Part-1
In structural edifice of Government Organization, Secretariat is the apex policy formulating body in the state. Odisha Secretariat Service is one of the earliest organised service cadre in the state. The origin of the Service can be traced back to the year 1936 i.e. when Odisha became an independent state by carving out certain portions from the erstwhile provinces of Bihar, Odisha and Madras.
Why OSS Cadre is unique?
Many people of the state agree to accept OSS Cadre as a unique and a respected job profile. Because these people got recruited through OPSC whereas other state Govt. Employees (except professional Group-B and Group A Officers) come through OSSC or OSSSC and others. The 1450 ASOs (811+139+500) joined in last three years are highly qualified (although normal graduation is the eligible Qualification) and left many high salary job only to get a job dignity. They are proud that they are a part of the apex Office of the State. They work in a Security provided atmosphere and initiate files those may move upto Honble Chief Minister if required. They are being trained in special training institute (Odisha Secretariat Training Institute).
Officers of State Secretariat are renowned for their in-depth Examination of every issue , bringing out both pros and cons and then coming up with fair and workable solutions. They are known for their integrity.
In order to streamline the functioning of Directorates and speed up the process of decision making, Government has been pleased to integrate different Directorates with their respective Administrative Departments to function as composite Departments with immediate effect subject to some conditions.
Analysis: Nowhere in the resolution, it is stated that Directorates will be merged with Administrative Departments but it is decided for integration. Although both words are nearly same, but upto last point, the terms I.e. Directorate, directorate files, directorate staff are used. It is to notice that all departments have HoDs but not Directorates. So we can expect the Directorates and Departments will work as per their rules of business. But yes, Govt. plans to bring both Offices to work in the same building so that time will be saved and work will be streamlined. If directorate is at Cuttack and Administrative Department is at Bhubaneswar, then a public may not get solution easily if any conflict arises at any level. He has to run here and there. As Govt. now focus on public service delivery, we have to welcome Govt. decision in this regard.
The integrated Department shall function in the premises of the respective Administrative Departments/ Directorates as may be decided by the Administrative Department keeping in view availability of space and public convenience.
Here two possibilities arise. In case a Department has 4-5 directorates and they are related to public service, then concern department have to shift out from Secretariat building to the respective directorate building. Because here both availability of space and public convenience are kept in condition.
Demand of OSS Cadre: Although this cadre works in three Bhawans i.e. Lokseva Bhawan, Rajiv Bhawan and Kharvel Bhawan but all these three are designated as a Secretariat building where only Administrative Departments of Govt. are functioning. So there is no hesitation among OSS Officers to work there. The work culture, dignity as well as job responsibilities are retained unchanged. No other cadre officers are working there. So here after integration, any modification in Administrative reforms should not affect our integrity in any point of view i.e. Specially recruited through OPSC Exam, specially trained in OSTI, Higher Qualifications, working in policy making body etc. which gives us special dignity. We should not be directed to work in any Directorates outside these premises. Because, we all have joined this job to avail certain benefits in Bhubaneswar. No transfer is the main preference of our job for which even IITians are also joined this job. Directorates may come to same building but should not work in same Office Hall/ room.
Condition 2
There will be a single file system through OSWAS and every proposal referred by the Directorate shall not be required to be re-initiated or re-examined de novo in the Department.
Condition 7
OSWAS system operative in the Secretariat shall be modified to integrate the Directorates with the Departments immediately and Directorates will submit only electronic file after due scanning of existing files.
Here one thing is not clear whether Directorates will work in hard file and while sending to respective departments, it will be scanned and sent. Or they will start their work through OSWAS and also send to Departments. Whatever may be the system, here OSS Cadre have apprehension that Directorates will send final decision / proposal to Secretaries of Departments but not to Sections of Department. We may expect lessening our workload but we can't avoid that Secretary will not ask OSS Officers to re-examine it. As per Secretariat Instructions, Govt can't work on files of Directorates. It is not always possible that decision in Directorate level is always correct. So re-examine is a common process in Departments.
Demands of OSS Cadre:
Only for faster communication electronic file system may be integrated. But we can suggest that as like OSWAS in Secretariat, Directorates should work in another OSWAS server. And both should be integrated for file transfer only. Every notings in Department files should not be accessed by the Directorate staff.
Demands of OSS Cadre:
Only for faster communication electronic file system may be integrated. But we can suggest that as like OSWAS in Secretariat, Directorates should work in another OSWAS server. And both should be integrated for file transfer only. Every notings in Department files should not be accessed by the Directorate staff.
Analysis on rest conditions in next post.....
No to integration of Directorates with Admin Departments :OSSA
After a big protest by gathering of nearly 800 OSS Officers in the Panchayatiraj Lawn on 22nd August, a decision was there to prepare a draft by OSSA Executives with our demands against the resolution on integration.
With another step, for a better analysis on different points of the resolution a meeting was organised at OSSA House on Saturday . Although only one executive member was present, but many experienced and members of previous executive bodies were present. They shared their analysis and future expectations in this regard.
Finally it was decided to prepare a draft and submit to executive body . And both will be examined and after that GC will approve it to submit before Government.
Saturday, 24 August 2019
Friday, 23 August 2019
Rs. 500 Crores for Puri Heritage City

Amid the demolition drive launched by the Puri district administration for implementing Justice B.P. Das Commission’s recommendations pertaining to the safety and security of world-renowned Shree Jagannath Temple, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today appealed the denizens of the pilgrim city to make sacrifices despite being affected due to the massive evacuation.Presiding over a special meeting at the Lok Seva Bhavan here today, the Chief Minister in his appeal said that the terrorists are now targeting various religious institutions and shrines for which it is absolutely pertinent to implement the recommendations made by the Commission for the safety and security of Lord Jagannath’s temple.“I know, some families may get affected by this demolition drive. But, this sacrifice assumes much more significance for the sake of Shree Mandir’s security. We need to keep Shree Mandir secured for our posterity. I wish that you all cooperate considering it as the ‘seba’ (service) to ‘Mahaprabhu’ (Lord Jagannath). Your sacrifice will be remembered ever by the Odia community,” appealed the Chief Minister.He assured, “I promise the affected persons that they will be properly rehabilitated after sacrificing their shops and dwelling houses in the security zone. The State Government will also cooperate in the restoration of the demolished Mutts coming under the security zone.”He further assured that all the Mutts in Puri city will be aided under the State Government’s “Abhada” Yojana for which Rs 100 crore has been allocated in the first phase.
The Chief Minister explained, “I had visited Puri in the aftermath of FANI in May. I felt very much hurt by the havoc wrecked on Mahaprabhu’s holy land. On the very day I resolved to transform the pilgrim city into a World Heritage City,”He further explained that the State Government is very soon going to start various infrastructure development projects in the city at an estimated cost of Rs 265 crore allocated earlier.The Chief Minister announced, “Today, I am sanctioning Rs 500 crore more for the conservation and security of Puri’s heritage. State’s first ever Trumpet Bridge will be constructed in Puri. All the sacred tanks and ponds will be renovated and heritage restored. Steps will be taken for the development of Atharanala. Revival of Musa River will be done and will also be connected with Mangala River. A large lake will be developed over 28 acres of land. Multi-lane road and multi-level parking facilities will be made for the visitors to Puri city.”
“Shree Jagannath is the biggest identity of the Odia community. I would like to seek the cooperation of all as well as the blessings of Lord Jagannath for elevating Puri Dham’s honour and dignity. Lots of greetings and good wishes on the occasion of Janmastami. Jay Jagannath.” stated the Chief Minister

Decisions taken:
1. New link road from Malatipatpur to Jagganath Ballav Matha at a cost of Rs.190 crore by a 1.5 Km. Trumpet Bridge (Shree Setu Project).
2. The Jagganath Ballav Matha will be developed as an attractive pilgrim centre with multi-level car parking, amenities, commercial and meditation space and multi-modal hub at a cost of Rs.180 crore.
3. Musa river will be revived and connected to Mangala river at a cost of Rs.85 crore. Focus will be on restoring natural ecology, recreational activities at river edge, green wage and network of lakes.
4. Atharnala will be developed as an iconic pedestrian heritage bridge with the support of ASI.
5. A lake will be developed on 28 acres of land at a cost of Rs.35 crore.
6. Security zone and Redefining of Mathas – the Mathas of Puri have a traditional link with the temple rituals. The Government is quite careful for seamless continuation of this special tradition. Therefore, the Mathas coming under security zone will be redefined. The CM has stressed on the conservation of ancient artefacts of the Mathas.
7. The shops and houses coming under security zone will be shifted. In addition to the rehabilitation package, the Government will provide house and shop to the affected as the case may be.
8. Many heritage lakes of Puri such as Sweta Ganga, Markanda, Narendra and Indradyumna will be renovated and heritage sites will be preserved The Chief Minister has directed to complete all these projects in two years. The Odisha Bridge and Construction Corporation will take the responsibility of these projects.
The meeting was attended by Minister, Law, Chief Secretary, Development Commissioner DGP, Principal Secretary Finance, Principal Secretary Law, Secretary Works and Chief Administrator SJTA, Puri Collector, Central Range DIG and Puri SP.
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