Friday, 16 October 2020
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Grant of Advance – Special Festival Package to Government Servants
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
EII(A) Branch
North Block, New Delhi
12th October, 2020
Office Memorandum
Sub: Grant of Advance – Special Festival Package to Government Servants.
The undersigned is directed to say that with a view to enable Government servants to meet expenses relating to festivals and to encourage spending thereby giving a boost to economic activities, in pursuance of decision taken by the Government, it has been decided that a special festival package of advance will be accorded to all Government servants for any important festivals upto 31st March, 2021.
2. A Head of Office may sanction this special package on the eve of any important festival to any Central Government Servant under his administrative control. The term “important festival” is clarified as such festivals or one of such festivals as Head of Department may declare in respect of establishments under his/her administrative control.
3. The amount of the package is Rs. 10,000/- to be paid as advance to Government servant. This amount is interest free. The amount would be released through pre-loaded Rupay Card from SBI. DDOs, on receipt of application from Government servants for this package may process and acquire the prepaid cards from SBI for issue among the applicants. A detailed SOP for DDOs for obtaining these cards would be separately issued.
4. The festival package may be granted to a Government servant if he/she is on Government duty or on leave excluding leave preparatory to retirement, on the date on which the advance is disbursed. The amount paid under this package is recoverable in not more than ten (10) instalments.
5. These orders will take effect from the date of issuance of this Office Memorandum and will be in force during the current financial year till 31 March, 2021.
6. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this OM to the notice of all its Attached and Subordinate offices for their information /necessary action.
Hindi version of this Office Memorandum will follow.
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
All the Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India.
Monday, 12 October 2020
Finance Minister announces measures of Rs 73,000 crore to stimulate consumer spending
Ministry of Finance
Finance Minister announces measures of Rs 73,000 crore to stimulate consumer spending before end of this Financial Year in fight against COVID-19
Cash payment and leave encashment in lieu of one LTC during 2018-21 according to entitlement
Special Festival Advance Scheme revived as a one-time measure for both Gazetted and non-Gazetted employees
Special interest free 50-year loans to States for capital expenditure for Rs. 12,000 crore
Additional budget of Rs. 25,000 crore, in addition to Rs. 4.13 lakh crore given in Union Budget 2020, is being provided for Capital Expenditure
Union Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman here today announced measures of Rs 73,000 crore to stimulate consumer spending in the economy in an effort to fight the slowdown due to COVID-19 pandemic following lockdown. Union Minister of State for Finance & Corporate Affairs Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, Finance Secretary Dr Ajay Bhushan Pandey, Department of Financial Services Secretary Shri Debashish Panda and Department of Economic Affairs Secretary Shri Tarun Bajaj were also present during the announcement of stimulus package.
Sunday, 11 October 2020
Revamped Taladanda Canal Road in Cuttack inaugurated
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Interviews for jobs abolished in 23 States and 8 UTs in India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Interviews for jobs abolished in 23 States and 8 UTs in India so far: Dr Jitendra Singh
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh disclosed here today that so far, interview for jobs has been abolished in 23 States and 8 Union Territories of India. This, he said, is a follow up to the abolition of interview for Group-B (Non- Gazetted) and Group - C posts in the Central Government ever since 2016.
Giving a brief about some of the path-breaking reforms brought in by the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), Dr Jitendra Singh recalled that it was on the 15th of August 2015, while speaking from the rampart of Red Fort on the occasion of Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had suggested abolition of interview and making the job selection totally on the basis of written test because whenever an interview call was received by a candidate, his entire family would get disturbed with apprehension and anxiety. On a quick follow up to the Prime Minister’s advice, he said, the DoPT undertook an expeditious exercise and within three months completed the entire process to announce abolition of interview for recruitment in Central Government with effect from 1st January, 2016.
However, Dr Jitendra Singh said that while some States like Maharashtra and Gujarat were quick to implement this rule, there were other States which were quite reluctant to abolish the conduct of interview for jobs.
He expressed satisfaction that after quite a bit of persuasion and repeated reminders to certain State governments, today the practice of conducting interview stands discontinued in all the 8 Union Territories of India including Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, and 23 out of 28 States of the country.
Dr Jitendra Singh said, in the past there had been complaints, grievances and allegations about marks in interview being manipulated to help certain favoured candidates. The abolition of interview and considering only the written test marks as merit for selection, he said, offers an equal level-playing field to all the candidates.
In addition to bringing in transparency and objectivity in the recruitment process, Dr Jitendra Singh said, several States have also reported heavy savings on the State Exchequer because quite a substantial expenditure was being incurred in conducting interview of candidates whose number often ran in thousands and the interview process continued for several days together.
Pertinent to mention that earlier there had often been complaints of the written test merit being compromised by lowering the interview marks of the candidate in order to help certain candidates for dubious considerations. There were also allegations of job for money or heavy amount being paid to secure jobs by manipulating the interview marks.
SNC (Release ID: 1663388)
Odisha State Legal Service Cadre
(Departments / HoD / District Office)
PB-2 : ₹9,300 ₹34,800 + GP : ₹ 4600
(Recruitment through OPSC)
Hierarchy & Promotion
1. Assistant Director (Law), Group-B
---- 7 years ----
First Posting :
25% of the Basic posts of Assistant Director (Law) will be filled up by absorption from
- Law Officers with GP 4600
- Assistant Law Officers with 10 years continuous service
Recruitment Rules
743 Dt.07.01.2017: Odisha State Legal Service (Method of Recruitment & conditions of service) Rules, 2016
#007 Government Job updates
Recent News
UPSC : Question Paper of Civil Service Examination (Preliminary), 2020 held on 4th October, 2020.
OSSC : Tentative Examination Calendar for October & November, 2020
Friday, 9 October 2020
Thursday, 8 October 2020
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Happy Work Anniversary : Four years service as ASO in Secretariat
Now it's completion of four years in service (2016-2020). So first of all, Congratulations to all ASO friends of RR-2011 batch on their 4th Work Anniversary. Within these four years, lots of happenings are there. Many of us has left this service to join other jobs with high salary and better rank like OAS, OPS, OFS, ORS etc. Out of 811, nearly 660 ASOS of RR-2011 are now working in different departments.
Working in Secretariat means to be ready for encountering many challenges as the State Secretariat is the nerve centre of all the departments and the main administrative office of all offices from across the State. Being the base level post, every file work and analysis starts from an ASO. As a part of rule framing body, they have to be more special than that of other sub-ordinate offices. This post is most vital as the files they put up may also be moved to Honble Ministers as well as CMO for approval. The post of ASO was under Group-C but later it comes under Group-B.
Earlier, the movement of file was through SO/DO - US - DS - JS - AS - Secretary within Departments. But to reduce time of file movement, Chief Secretary in 2019 has issued DO letters to all Departments with permission for submission of files by ASOs directly to Deputy Secretary level.
On joining, this batch had to work with their immediate seniors who were recruited in 1997 or before. So it was easy for this batch to learn the system from their seniors. Also having experience of Government atmosphere from their past services, most of the new ASOs could easily handle the office work. Now the time of retirement of Desk Officer onwards has started and it's expected that most of the seniors are retiring on superannuation by 2024. Similarly near about 450 posts of Section Officer out of sanction strength 700 are lying vacant. So most of the responsibility is upon this batch. In the same time, 140 ASOs (RR-2015 Spl Drive) had already joined 8 months before this appointment. Out of them, nearly 100 are now in service. To add more help, another 500 ASOs have been posted in July, 2019.
Beyond Secretariat:
The Odisha Secretariat Service (OSS) cadre is now not limited to Old Secretariat Building presently called Lokseva Bhawan. Nearly 10 (ten) departments are functioning in Kharvel Bhawan. Besides these, some departments are functioning in specific buildings meant for them. These includes Krishi Bhawan (Agriculture & FE Deptt), Suchana O Loka Sampark Bhawan (I&PR Deptt), Paryatan Bhawan (Tourism Deptt), Sanskruti Bhawan ( OLLC Deptt), Rajiv Bhawan (WR Deptt).
Besides the above, some OSS officers are posted in different offices functioning beyond the aforesaid buildings. These include, Home (Election), Home (State Guest House), GA(Lokayukta).
Some offices are located out of Bhubaneswar also, in which willing Officers are being posted. These include Home (Bhawans) at Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai & Kolkata, GA (Vigilance) at Cuttack, etc.
Beyond assigned work:
Although Assistant Section Officers were posted to work at different Departments of State Government in Secretariat level, still then they have carried out many extra curricular works in terms of public service in state level and international level also. Most significantly, ASOs have worked in State Covid Control Room (24x7) operating for the lakhs of Migrant Workers those need help to return Odisha during April - June. Principal Secretary to Govt., Home Department has issued appreciation letters to them. To add this noble cause, two batches (50 each) of ASOs has been deployed to work with BMC in Covid related works during August-October.
In previous days, these ASOs have contributed their talents and spacious time during two international events organised in Bhubaneswar. 150 ASO Volunteers in 22nd Asian Athletic Championship, 2017 and 50 ASOs as Liaison Officer in Hockey Men's World Cup, 2018 were deployed to make these events successful. Many ASOs have also worked as Polling Personnel during General Election, 2019 as a National Duty.
Future of these ASOs:
As a part of Government Service, each and every employee dreams to have promotion and pay hike. Although, this post is being recruited through OPSC, but this is the only post with Grade Pay of 4200 under PB-2. So the first demand is 4600 Grade Pay. Similarly, minimum continuous service for promotion to Section Officer is fixed to 8 years which is higher than that of any other cadres. So minimum 5 years is also another demand.
In current situation, nearly 450 SO posts are lying vacant but no ASOs qualify the minimum service period. Hence, all hopes for one time relaxation for these ASOs to get promotion to the rank of SO.
Hope, everything will be fine. These ASOs can bring a better environment and enhance the efficiency level in Odisha State Secretariat.
Again congratulations to all......
Monday, 5 October 2020
Requirement of minimum qualifying service scrapped
Ministry of Defence
Requirement of Minimum Qualifying Service Scrapped for Enhanced Family Pension w.e.f. 01 October 2019
As per existing provision, there is a requirement of continuous qualifying service of 7 years for grant of Ordinary Family Pension at enhanced rate to NoK of Defence Forces personnel.
Ordinary Family Pension at enhanced rate is calculated @ 50% of last Emoluments and Ordinary Family pension is calculated @ 30% of last Emoluments. Ordinary Family Pension at enhanced rate is payable for 10 years without any upper age limit from the date following the date of death of the personnel in service. Where service personnel dies after release/retirement/discharge/invalidment with a pension, Ordinary Family Pension at enhanced rate is granted for a period of 7 years from the date of death or up to attaining the age of 67 years, whichever is earlier.
The requirement of continuous qualifying service of 7 years is done away with w.e.f 1.10.2019 vide Govt. letter dated 05.10.2020
Further, Defence Forces personnel who died within ten years before the 1st day of October 2019 without completing continuous service of 7 years, his family shall also be eligible for family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f 1.10.2019.
ABB/Nampi/KA/Rajib (Release ID: 1661767)
Sunday, 4 October 2020
New Collector & DM for Jagatsinghpur District in view of forthcoming bye-election
Sangram Keshari Mohapatra, Collector & DM, Jagatsinghpur has been transferred and posted as OSD to Govt., GA&PG Department.
Saroj Mishra, OAS presently working as Additional Secretary to Govt. in Home Department is posted as the new Collector & DM, Jagatsinghpur.
Page visit reaches 3 lakhs : thanks all
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Government employees & pensioners will continue getting their DAs at 17% instead of the hiked 21%: FinMin Clarification
The Centre has not withdrawn its earlier order of DA hike suspension. Government employees and pensioners will continue getting their DAs at 17 per cent rate, instead of the hiked 21 per cent.
A message claiming that the Centre has withdrawn its earlier order to suspend dearness allowance (DA) hike is doing the rounds. Taking to Twitter, the Centre has clarified that it is fake news as no such new order has been passed. Government employees and pensioners receive DA which compensates for rising inflation.
On April 23, it was announced that the central government employees and pensioners will not get the new rates (21 per cent) of DA, which they were supposed to get from January 1, 2020. The DA rate will be again revised on July 1, 2021 taking into account of the previous hikes.