Sunday 3 November 2019

A Cup of Tea...

Abhisek Pattnaik, 
ASO (2019 Batch), Works Department
Enroute to Bhubaneswar this morning from my hometown Athgarh, I decided to stop by near a secluded shop near Mundali Bridge to simply watch the nature and live for that moment.
The Mahanadi river flew graciously with the fresh inputs of late October showers in the coastal districts. The cool breeze flowing in the valley; birds chirping around as if its their duty; fishermen busy with their boats in the middle of the river. The air with a hint of fog announcing the arrival of winter.
I smiled back at the shopkeeper and asked for a cup of tea. It was a small shop with few numbers of snacks n biscuits and in the varanda it had the setup for a tea stall. In these times of so called modern world, it was able to avert the force of change n must have been there for last 20 years with no major change in its aesthetics.
I took the cup of tea n went to the back of the shop to enjoy the view while sipping to the bland tea.
Three of young village chaps walked past me engrossed in their animatic conversation pushing each other making fun n laughing.
A small foot road passed right next to the shop to the bank of the river. I watched them keenly while seeping from my cup of tea. They had an air of invincibility, an air of no care for the world of routines or customs. They were so engrossed in their conversation that, they hardly noticed me.
At the Neem tree right next to the river bank, they all undressed to their briefs and jumped into the river making shrieking sounds. I thought of stopping for more and simply feel the cool breeze against my face for a few more minutes. 
But, my tea glass was empty by now n the office hours ticking.
I looked at the fast swimming chaps, n got lost in my childhood nostalgia, and just smiled.
Time to get back to the life of routines, life of cycles.