Wednesday 9 December 2020

Regulation of Remuneration in case of Contract Appointment of Retired Central Government Employees:


6.1 A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain unchanged for the term of the contract. There will be no annual increment / percentage increase during the contract period.


An employee retired in the Pay Level 13 and the pay at the time of retirement was Rs. 1,55,900. Thus, the basic pension will be Rs. 77,950. If the employee is appointed on contract basis, including as Consultant, the remuneration shall be fixed at Rs.77,950 (1,55,900-77950).

6.2 The basic pension to be deducted from the last pay drawn shall be the pension as fixed at the time of retirement and as such, if the employee has availed of the commuted value of pension, the commuted portion of pension shall also be included in the portion of pension to be deducted. Thus, in the above example, if 40% of pension was commuted, the commuted portion shall be Rs. 31,180 (40% of 77,950) and the pension actually drawn shall be Rs. 46,770. However, the amount of pension to be deducted from the last salary shall be Rs 77,950.

6.3 No Increment and Dearness Allowance shall be allowed during the term of the contract.

For details

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