Thursday, 7 September 2023

Fitment of Vehicle Location Tracking Device and Panic Buttons by 31st December

Transport Vehicles are to be fitted with Vehicle Location Tracking Device (VLTD) and Panic Buttons as per AIS 140 Standards by 31st December, 2023.

Objective : 

- To track & monitor vehicles plying on roads

- To ensure passenger safety (especially women and children) 

Types of Vehicles :

  • All Public Service vehicles : Bus / Educational Institution Bus /Luxury Cab / Maxi Cab / Motor Cab / Omni Bus / Private Service Vehicle (Except Two Wheeler / Three Wheeler / Rickshaw) 
  • Goods Carriage vehicle operating on National Permit
  • Vehicles carrying hazardous and explosive materials
  • Ambulances

Timeline : 

  • New vehicles purchased on or after 01.10.2023 will be fitted with VLTD at the time of registration. 
  • Vehicles purchased on or before 30.09.2023 shall have to be fitted with VLTD by 31.12.2023.

Procedure :

Visit site OR

Choose any approved vendors and nearest Retro Fitment Center (RFC) and make Fitment of devices. 



All public service vehicle, national permit vehicle & vehicles carrying dangerous & hazardous goods must be fitted with VLTs (vehicle location tracking) and panic buttons as per AIS-140 standard in line with the guidelines of Ministry of Road Transport (MoRTH), in compliance to Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989, CMVR-125H, 129 & 90. Important Notifications regarding fitment of AIS-140 vehicle location tracking device (VLTD) :

MoRTH GSR 1095(E) dt 28.11.16 -Public Service VehiclesMoRTH GSR 1081(E) dt 02.11.18 -National Permit VehiclesMoRTH GSR 617(E) dt 03.08.22 -Vehicles carrying Dangerous/Hazardous GoodsGovt of Odisha order dated 22nd Mar 2023 for applicability of VLTD in Odisha


Routine said...

Thanks for sharing this valuable information however the Vehicle you recommended working fine.please suggest some batter Vehicle provider.

munna said...

Thanks a lot for sharing!
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