Tuesday 3 October 2023

High Court Verdict On Ratna Bhandara PIL

JUDGMENT DT.29.09.2023

[ W.P.(C) PIL No.20481 of 2023 ]

Samir Mohanty               …. Petitioner


State of Odisha and others     …. Opposite Parties


S. Talapatra, CJ
1. This writ petition is one of the Public Interest Litigations (PILs) in respect of the management of the Ratna Bhandar of Shri Jagannath Temple, Puri


18. Mr. Acharya xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx The Superintending Archaeologist, ASI [the Opposite Party No.7], has guided the said meeting and observed that the status of the inner portion of the Ratna Bhandar could also be assessed through the conduct of laser scanning from outside of the Ratna Bhandar and the repair could be taken up by opening of the Inner Bhandar during Rath Yatra next year after making assessment of the inner status. The said opinion has been accepted by the SJTMC in the said meeting. xxxxxxxxxxx
It has also informed by the Superintending Archaeologist, ASI-Opposite Party No.7 that necessary machinery for conducting laser scanning has presently been put to service at Gyanabapi Temple, Varanasi from where it would be mobilized to Puri for evaluating structural vulnerabilities of the Ratna Bhandar from outside. The equipment will be brought to Puri after completion of the work at Varanasi.  

19. On the face of these opinions of the Superintending Archaeologist as reflected in the said Minutes, we cannot infer, contrary to what has been advised by the Superintending Archaeologist, ASI-Opposite Party No.7 by acceding to the prayers made by the Petitioner. No mala fide has been attributed to the SJTMC. Even the apex Court has observed that the SJTMC has to take steps as it is the sole repository of faith. As no mala fide has been attributed in respect of any action of the SJTMC, in our considered view, they should be allowed to function in accordance to their resolution taken in the meeting held on 4th August, 2023. So far as the question of maintainability is concerned, we might have taken a view against the Petitioner, but the Petitioner has raised two important issues viz. (I) safety of the Ratna Bhandar and (II) transparency in respect of the valuable articles stored in the Ratna Bhandar. Even if we dismiss the writ petition on the question of locus standi, that dismissal may not refrain the court from delving deeper into these questions as Shri Jagannath Temple is the beacon of ultimate faith of millions of people. In such circumstances, we direct the State Government to constitute a High Level Committee, if they are approached by the SJTMC for supervising the process of inventorisation of the valuables including jewelleries stored in the Ratna Bhandar. Such Committee be constituted by the State Government within a period of sixty days from the date when the SJTMC will approach them. The said Committee shall assist the SJTMC in carrying out inventorisation as aforenoted. But, we are not persuaded to interfere with the plan of work regarding inventorisation and repair works of the interior walls of the Ratna Bhandar of Shri Jagannath Temple, as prepared in the meeting held on 4th August, 2023 on advice of the Superintending Archaeologist, ASI-Opposite Party No.7. As the apex Court has observed, we are to keep our faith in the SJTMC in management of the Ratna Bhandar and its structure. If there had been any sense of urgency, we believe that the Superintending Archaeologist would have advised the SJTMC accordingly. 

20. Before parting with the records, we would observe that the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and Shri Jagannath Temple Managing Committee (SJTMC) will collaborate actively on the conservation works of the Ratna Bhandar. We expect that the State Government shall come forward for efficient management when their cooperation will be sought by the SJTMC. 

21. In the above terms, this writ petition stands disposed of. 

22. Urgent certified copy of this judgment be granted as per rules. 

 (S. Talapatra) 
 Chief Justice 
 (Savitri Ratho) 

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