Friday 6 October 2023

Blood Donation Camp @ Kharvel Bhawan

Organised By
Forest, Environment & Climate Change Department

Date : 06.10.2023 (FRIDAY) 
9:00AM to 2:00 PM
This year, the  FE&CC Department Cultural Association not only resurrected the saga of its glory after a long hiatus with a phenomenal & astounding Drama and Dance programme but also progressing with tandem. And this time, its a noble Blood Donation Camp by the mighty ones , to add another feather in it's cap. The entire FE&CC fraternity were engaged like ants in this gentle cause and made this event a success with smooth management. Many generous volunteers showed up for this great deed and donated blood with smile, for the very reason that their motto being " An eye for an eye makes the world blind but blood for blood will make this world Beautiful"

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