Showing posts with label OSTI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OSTI. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Induction training of 2nd Batch ASOs completed

The Induction Training Program of second batch ASOs (OPSC 2021) has been completed on 17.01.2025. In the valedictory function Shri Satyabrata Sahu, IAS, ACS, HOME Department had joined as Chief Guest and Dr. Nivedita Prusty, Spl. Secy, Home Deptt as Guest of Honour. Sri Manoj Kumar Sarangi, Principal along with other facilities like Tarun Kumar Biswal, Nihar Ranjan Rath etc were present in the function.

Relieve Order No.42 Dt.17.01.2025
Click here to view / download.PDF

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Second Batch ASO Trainees appear Department Examination @ OSTI

The second batch ASO Trainees (2021 Batch) are appearing Department Examination at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute. The examination will be conducted from 6th-9th January, 2025.

This batch has been started since 30.09.2024 and the same is going to be concluded in this month.

Monday, 30 September 2024

OSTI : 2nd Batch Induction Training of ASOs (RY-2021) starts today

The Second batch Induction Training of newly recruited ASOs (RY-2021)  starts today. This programme will continue for 12-15 weeks at the temporary campus of Odisha Secretariat Training Institute functioning at Toshali Bhawan.

It is for information that successful completion of this training  and passing of examination is mandatory for all Assistant Section Officers as per Odisha Secretariat Instruction.

Home Department has recommended a list of 50 ASOs for this Batch. (Download.PDF)

Friday, 20 September 2024

Get Together of 7th Batch ASO Trainees (RY-2011)

19.09.2024:  It was a great moment for the 7th Batch ASO Trainees of RY-2011 who have joined Odisha Secretariat Service in October 2016 and have undergone Induction Training at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI) during 01.06.2018 to 30.08.2018. Such type of get together was arranged to make the days refreshed and build healthy relationship in Secretariat. In this batch, 93 ASOs have successfully completed the training program. (Gazette Notification.PDF)

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Manoj Kumar Sarangi will remain in charge of Principal, OSTI

Consequent upon retirement of Sri Prafulla Chandra Sankhua, Additional Secretary & the Principal, Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI), Bhubaneswar on attaining age of superannuation w.e.f. 30.04.2024, Sri Manoj Kumar Sarangi, Deputy Secretary working as Faculty in OSTI is allowed to remain in charge of the Principal, OSTI

15411 Dt.01.05.2024
Click here to view / download. PDF

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

53 ASOs of 8th Batch Passed Out Induction Training at OSTI

8th Batch Training of ASOs
(31.08.2023 to 29.12.2023)

Total 53 Nos. of Assistant Section Officers completed their training successfully at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI) presently functioning at Toshali Bhawan, Bhubaneswar. All have passed out the Examination conducted from 13.12.2023 to 16.12.2023. Besides, during this training period, a study tour had been organised to Koraput District also. (Relieve Order)
The next and last batch will start from 19.01.2024. (List.PDF)

Thursday, 14 December 2023

8th Batch ASO Training: Examination started

Examination of 8th Batch Assistant Section Officers Trainees of Odisha Secretariat has been started from 13.12.2023 and it will continue for four days. 

This examination (Open Book) is being conducted by Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI) at Toshali Bhawan, Bhubaneswar. It is to mention here that there is is provision of Induction Training to newly recruited ASOs at OSTI for 3-4 months. 

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Teachers Day Celebration at OSTI

Happy Teachers Day 2023 was celebrated at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI) by the 8th Batch ASO Trainees

Friday, 25 August 2023

Training program of 8th batch ASOs starts from 31st August @ OSTI

The 8th Batch training program of Assistant Section Officers working in different Departments is scheduled to start from 31.08.2023 at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI). Accordingly a list of 55 Assistant Section Officers has been prepared by Home Department and Principal, OSTI has been directed to take necessary steps for commencement of the training programme. 

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Closing day of Induction Training of 62 Assistant Director (Law) of Odisha Secretariat

Newly recruited 62 Assistant Directors (Law) have successfully completed their Induction Training held from 17.08.2023 to 24.08.2023 at Conference Hall, near RD Department, Lokaseva Bhawan. The said training was conducted by Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI).

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Examination of 7th Batch ASO trainees starts today


As a part of induction training of newly recruited Assistant Section Officers (ASO) of Odisha Secretariat, the examination (Open Book) of 7th batch trainees starts today at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI), Bhubaneswar. Total 50 nos of ASOs of 2018 Recruitment Batch have been imparted training on Rules/regulations, Office work procedure alongwith study tour in this batch. The ASOs have to pass this examination to be eligible for promotion to the next rank. 
All the best.....

Thursday, 20 July 2023

Study Tour of 7th Batch ASO Trainees

The 7th Batch ASO trainees have started their study tour to Sundargarh and Deogarh District for three days (19-21 July, 2023). As per the schedule, this team will visit Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) to have some Industrial Experience. Besides, the team will meet Collector, Deogarh and Sub-Collector, Panposh to have some knowledge about District Administration. During the visit, the team may also visit Hockey Village, Rourkela, Vedvyash, Gurukula, Khandadhar (Sundargrah) and Padhanpat (Deogarh) Waterfall.
It is for information that, the 7th Batch Induction Training of 50 newly recruited ASOs (2018-19 Batch) of Odisha Secretariat has been started from 18.04.2023 at Odisha Secretariat Training Institute (OSTI) at Bhubaneswar AND Study Tour is one of the important part of this training programme.