Friday 16 December 2022

AICPIN stood at 132.5 for October, 2022 : Expected DA @42% in January, 2023

The expected Dearness Allowance January 2023 is 42% and its may vary from upcoming AICPIN data.

The Indian government releases data about inflation and the expected Dearness Allowance percentage is calculated as a percentage of the current month Consumer Price Index (CPI). It is based on the assumption that the price of goods sold will increase in line with inflation.


Percentage of Dearness Allowance 
(Average of AICPIN for the past 12 months – Fitment Linking Factor) x 100 / Fitment Linking Factor 

Average AICPIN for last twelve months : 

[125.7+125.4+125.1+125.0+126.0+127.7+129.0+129.2+129.9+130.2+131.3+132.5] x 2.88  / 12 = 368.88

Hence, expected DA for October, 2022

= (368.88-261.4) /261.4 x 100 = 41.12

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