Apart from four major cadres (i.e. IAS, OAS, OFS, OSS), another three cadres are there in Odisha Secretariat whose strength is about 1200.
1) Odisha Secretariat Data Entry Operators Cadre
2) Odisha Secretariat Typist Cadre
3) Odisha Secretariat Executive Assistant /PA/PS Cadre
But keeping in view the implementation of Information Technology for quick service delivery and use of computers in all the Departments for smooth functioning of official work the use of typewriter has been obsolete. Hence Government has declared the Odisha Secretariat Typist cadre as the dying cadre. (Notification.PDF) .
Similarly, keeping in view the job charts of Data Entry Operator's cadre and the works of digitization and automation leading to OSWAS there is minimal data entry in different Administrative Departments. Hence Government has also declared the Odisha Secretariat Data Entry Operator cadre as the dying cadre. (Notification.PDF)
After the aforementioned declarations, there will be no further recruitment in these cadres. The base level posts remained vacant due to promotion to higher ranks will be abolished automatically.
It is noted that there was a proposal for amendment of stenographer cadre for integration / merger of DEO cadre in Secretariat with the Executive Assistant Cadre and Private Secretary cadre at appropriate grade(s). In this regard a meeting was held under the Chairmanship of ACS, Home Department with Secretaries of some key departments. Based on present circumstances, DEO Cadre was decided to be a dying cadre. But the decision of integration / merger is not yet finalized. (Minutes of the Meeting.PDF)
In the meantime, the cadre of Executive Assistant (formerly known as Junior Stenographer) has been restructured in respect of Recruitment Rule, Sanction Strength, Designation etc. This cadre is also running with vacancy of more than 50%.
Career prospective of existing employees :
DEOs : There are only 37 employees working in promotional posts against sanctioned strength of 71. whereas 176 Jr DEOs are working against 344 posts. After declaration of abolition of Contractual Rules, 2013, 160 Jr DEOs have got regular status. Hence, they are now eligible for promotion to higher rank. But, due to very few retirement of higher rank employees in coming 10 years and long service period of young newly recruited Jr DEOs, there will be merely any promotion from base level posts. The year 2022 was a good time for 160 newly recruited Jr DEOs to have regular scale salary instead of fixed remuneration as contractual employees. Because of this status may of them became able to access Government Quarters in Bhubaneswar. For better identification and promotional aspects, it is expected that this cadre may be merged with Executive Assistant / PA / PS Cadre.
Designation | Pay Level | Sanction Strength | Present Position | Gradation List 2022 |
Data Processing Officer | L10 (GP 4600) | 8 | 4 | CLICK HERE |
Asst. Data Processing Officer | L-9 (GP 4200) | 24 | 14 | CLICK HERE |
Sr. Data Entry Operator | L-7 (GP 2400) | 39 | 19 | CLICK HERE |
Jr. Data Entry Operator | L-4 (GP 1900) | 344 | 16+160 | CLICK HERE |
# Home Department Notification No.44171 Dt.21.12.2022 : Declared as dying Cadre (PDF) |
Typists : Most of the employees of this cadre are working in issue sections of Administrative Departments. After implementation of OSWAS, Concerned OSS Officers are typing the Notes and drafts themselves, So there is no need of typewriter as well as typists. But as far issuing of letters and their dispatch is concerned, most Departments depend on their issue sections. Hence one to two staff are necessary for the aforementioned purpose. But the present position of Typist Cadre is 78 out of strength 197. Out of them 25 employees will be retired by 2025 and rest major part by 2032. Though only 4 employees are there in two base level grades, hence all employees will avail maximum promotional grade before retirement.
Designation | Pay Level | Sanction Strength | Present Position | Gradation List 2022 |
Superintendent Level - I | L10 (GP 4600 ) | 45 | 37 | CLICK HERE |
Superintendent Level - II | L-9 (GP 4200 ) | 93 | 37 | CLICK HERE |
Sr. Grade Typist | L-7 (GP 2400 ) | 58 | 3 | CLICK HERE |
Jr Grade Typist | L-4 (GP 1900) | 1 | 1 | CLICK HERE |
# Home Department Notification No.44177 Dt.21.12.2022 : Declared as dying Cadre (PDF) |
Executive Assistants : This is a vary important cadre who are being attached to senior officers to assist in official work. Hence keeping in view the necessity, restructure has been made many times in this cadre. There is better promotional avenue from Level-9 to Level-15. A Junior Executive Assistant can avail maximum seven promotions if found eligible subject to availability of vacancy. Except newly recruited 41 JEAs (actually appointed as Junior Stenographer in 2016), all employees of this cadre have availed promotion. The 251 posts of first two promotional posts i.e. Personal Assistant and Sr. Executive Assistant are lying vacant because of non-availability of eligible JEAs. But after getting regular status from initial appointees, existing 41 JEAs have now better chances of promotion.
Designation | Pay Level | Sanction Strength | Present Position | Gradation List 2022 |
Supdt-cum-Ex-Officio Additional Secretary | L15 (GP 8700 ) | 3 | 3 | CLICK HERE |
Senior Principal Private Secretary | L14 (GP 7600 ) | 10 | 5 | CLICK HERE |
Principal Private Secretary | L13 (GP 6600 ) | 26 | 18 | CLICK HERE |
Senior Private Secretary | L12 (GP 5400) | 76 | 50 | CLICK HERE |
Private Secretary | L11 (GP 4800) | 113 | 46 | CLICK HERE |
Personal Assistant | L10 (GP 4600) | 122 | 1 | CLICK HERE |
Senior Executive Assistant | L-9 (GP 4200) | 130 | - | - |
Junior Executive Assistant | L-7 (GP 2400) | 171 | 41 | CLICK HERE |
# The information in this article is for information purpose only. Every conclusive decision depends on Government.
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