Thursday 13 October 2022

SAACAR : Launched by Hon'ble CM

To expedite compensation payment process to victims of SC-ST atrocities, CM has launched the web portal, SAACAR - 'Single Window Application Atrocity Compensation Assistance and Relief'. 

The portal will help faster investigation and quick compensation payment. SAACAR portal will facilitate faster investigation & payment of compensation in 1st phase to victims in SC-ST atrocity cases within 21 days. This portal will avoid the delay caused by the existing manual system of enquiry and payment of compensation to the victims. 
CM said that Odisha Govt is committed to the welfare of SC-ST community and this portal will bring a huge solace to the victims of atrocity belonging to SC-ST community. The portal will increase efficiency in delivery mechanism of State Govt through the #5T initiative. 

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