Tuesday 13 September 2022

PRDW Football Cup 2022 : Eight teams ready for Quarter Final

In the Pre-Quarter Final Matches played on 9th & 13th September, eight winning teams entered Quarter Final which is scheduled to be played on 14th September. 

Winning Teams of Pre-Quarter Final

PQ1 - Panchayatiraj & PRDW

PQ2 - Higher Education

PQ3 - Food Supplies & CW

PQ4 - Revenue & DM

PQ5 - Finance

PQ6 - Fisheries & ARD

PQ7 - Home

PQ8 - ST&SC Development

Schedule of Quarter Final Matches


(5.30 PM) : PR&DW vs ST&SC 

( 6.10PM) : HE vs HOME 

(6.50 PM) : FS&CW vs F&ARD 

(7.30 PM) : R&DM vs FINANCE 

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