Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Preventive measures in workplaces

SRC Odisha guidelines : Unlock 2.0

Functioning of Government Offices in July 2020

COVID Audit : Covid Compliance Officer to ensure implementation of the COVID Protocol. Download PDF

Reference Orders of GA&PG Department:
No.13365/Gen Dt.08.06.2020 (Precautionary Measures)
No.14020/Gen Dt.12.06.2020 (Protocol for Meetings)
Functioning of Government Offices: All Departments & Sub-ordinate Offices to function with 50% of employees strength (all staff including Group-A officers) Download PDF

Farewell Meeting in Works Department

Due to COVID pandemic, this time the farewell meeting was organised with only 10 staff for Sri Jitendra Mohanty, Superintendent Level-I who got retired from Government service on superannuation today i.e. 30.06.2020 AN.

We wish him a happy retired life ....

Social Media Day

UNLOCK 2.0 in India till 31.07.2020

Monday, 29 June 2020

Minor changes in IAS level

Reshuffle in senior OAS Officers

Government Bans 59 Mobile Apps

Ministry of Electronics & IT

Government Bans 59 mobile apps which are prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order

Posted On: 29 JUN 2020 8:47PM by PIB Delhi

The Ministry of Information Technology, invoking it’s power under section 69A of the Information Technology Act read with the relevant provisions of the Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking of Access of Information by Public) Rules 2009 and in view of the emergent nature of threats has decided to block 59 apps ( see Appendix) since in view of information available they are engaged in activities which is prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, security of state and public order.

Over the last few years, India has emerged as a leading innovator when it comes to technological advancements and a primary market in the digital space.

At the same time, there have been raging concerns on aspects relating to data security and safeguarding the privacy of 130 crore Indians. It has been noted recently that such concerns also pose a threat to sovereignty and security of our country. The Ministry of Information Technology has received many complaints from various sources including several reports about misuse of some mobile apps available on Android and iOS platforms for stealing and surreptitiously transmitting users’ data in an unauthorized manner to servers which have locations outside India. The compilation of these data, its mining and profiling by elements hostile to national security and defence of India, which ultimately impinges upon the sovereignty and integrity of India, is a matter of very deep and immediate concern which requires emergency measures.

The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs has also sent an exhaustive recommendation for blocking these malicious apps. This Ministry has also received many representations raising concerns from citizens regarding security of data and risk to privacy relating to operation of certain apps. The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has also received many representations from citizens regarding security of data and breach of privacy impacting upon public order issues. Likewise, there have been similar bipartisan concerns, flagged by various public representatives, both outside and inside the Parliament of India. There has been a strong chorus in the public space to take strict action against Apps that harm India’s sovereignty as well as the privacy of our citizens.

On the basis of these and upon receiving of recent credible inputs that such Apps pose threat to sovereignty and integrity of India, the Government of India has decided to disallow the usage of certain Apps, used in both mobile and non-mobile Internet enabled devices. These apps are listed in the attached appendix.

This move will safeguard the interests of crores of Indian mobile and internet users. This decision is a targeted move to ensure safety and sovereignty of Indian cyberspace.


RJ/M (Release ID: 1635206) 

Click here for Press Release.PDF

Retirement of OSS officers in June, 2020

From Works Department:
Jitendra Kumar Mohanty, Supdt. Level - I

Promotion of Deputy Secretary to the rank of Joint Secretary

Snake got rescued : Lokaseva Bhawan

Sambad Dt.29.06.2020

Paper clip : Promotion in OSS Cadre

Swadhikar Dt.29.06.2020

Preservation of records in Government Offices

Saturday, 27 June 2020

2017 Batch IAS Officers given new assignment





Group Health Insurance for Government Employees @Rs.12500/- pa

As many of us have to admit that health is important for us and our family. But sometimes, its not being easy to afford the huge expenditure now a days. Hence, it's advisable to have a health insurance scheme for whole family. 【Last Date : 30.06.2020

In this context, Government Employees can be a member of OSPSEWS at Rs.12500/- per annum for a family unit of 6 members i.e. self-spouse, two children & parents/parents-in-laws with a coverage of Rs.5,00,000/-. For details visit www.ospws.in 

Lift man's daughter Corona +ve : Secretariat

The Samaj Dt.27.06.2020

Friday, 26 June 2020

Promotion of Joint Secretary to Additional Secretary

It is to mention here that there are 8 posts for the rank of Additional Secretary in OSS Cadre. After promotion to the posts of Joint Secretary last year (Dt.29.06.2019), all 22 posts of JS were filled up. Now after 1 year completion in the post of JS, they are promoted to the rank of Additional Secretary.  It's a good news for OSS Cadre in Secretariat. Gradation list of JS.pdf
Out of these 8 OSS Officers, the retirement years are 2021 (1), 2023 (4), 2024 (2) and 2025 (1).

Vacancy in Odisha Bhawan & others : Apply before 30th June

Interested ASOs may apply for the vacant posts in Odisha Bhawan and others as below by 30.06.2020.

Inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 4th March, 2014

Subject: Inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees – instructions thereof

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that the fundamental principles of inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees in Central Civil Services/posts were laid down in the Departmentof Personnel & Training (DOPT) O.M. No. 9/11/55-RPS dated 29.12.1959 which provided, Inter alia, that the relative seniority of direct recruits and of promotees shall be determined according to the rotation of vacancies between direct recruits and promotees, which shall be based on the quotas of vacancies reserved for direct recruitment and promotion respectively, in the Recruitment Rules.
2. The carrying forward of unfilled slots of a vacancy year, for being filled up by direct recruits of later years, was dispensed with through modified instructions contained in DOPT O.M. No.35014/2/80-Estt.(D) dated 7.2.1986 which provides that rotation of quotas for purpose of determining seniority would take place only to the extent of the available direct recruits and the promotees. The unfilled direct recruitment/promotion quota vacancies would be carried forward and added to the corresponding direct recruitment/promotion quota vacancies of the next year (and to subsequent years where necessary) for taking action for the total number of direct recruitment/promotional according to the usual practice. Thereafter, in that year, while seniority will be determined between direct recruits and promotees, to the extent of the number of vacancies for direct recruits and promotees, as determined according to the quota for that year, the additional direct recruits/promotees selected against the carried forward vacancies of the previous year, would be placed en-bloc below the last promotee/direct recruit, asthe case may be, in the seniority list, based on the rotation of vacancies for that year.
3. All the existing instructions on seniority were consolidated by DOPT through a single OM. No. 22011/7/86 Estt(D) dated 03.07.1986.
4. In view of divergent stance taken by different Ministries/Departments on interpretation of ‘available direct recruits and promotees’ in the context of OM dated 7.2.86, the DoPT had issued O.M. No. 20011/1/2006-Estt.(D) dated 3.3.2008 which provided that the actual year of appointment, both in the case of direct/recruits and promotees, would be reckoned as the year of availability for the purpose of rotation and fixation of inter se seniority.
5. The matter has been examined in pursuance of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment on 27.11.2012, in Civil Appeal No. 7514-7515/2005 in the case of N.R.Parmar vs. UOl & Ors in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs and it has been decided, that the manner of determination of Inter-se-seniority of directrecruits and promotes would be as under:
a) DoPT OM No. 20011/1/2006Æstt.(D) dated 3.3.2008 is treated as non-existent / withdrawn ab initio;
b) The rotation of quota based on the available direct recruits and promotees appointed against the vacancies of a Recruitment Year, as provided In DOPT O.M. dated 7.2.1986/3.07.1986, would continue to operate for determination of inter se seniority between direct recruits and promotees;
c) The available direct recruits and promotees, for assignment of inter se seniority, would refer to the direct recruits and promotees who are appointed against the vacancies of a Recruitment Year;
d) Recruitment Year would be the year of initiating the recruitment process against a vacancy year;
e) Initiation of recruitment process against a vacancy year would be the date of sending of requisition for filling up of vacancies to the recruiting agency in the case of direct recruits; in the case of promotees the date on which a proposal, complete In all respects, is sent to UPSC/Chairmarn-DPC for convening of DPC to fill up the vacancies through promotion would be the relevant date.
f) The initiation of recruitment process for any of the modes viz, direct recruitment or promotion would be deemed to be the Initiation of recruitment process for the other mode as well;
g) Carry forward of vacancies against direct recruitment or promotion quota would be determined from the appointments made against the first attempt for filling up of the vacancies for a Recruitment Year;
h) The above principles for determination of inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees would be effective from 27.11.2012, the date of Supreme Court Judgment in Civil Appeal No. 7514-7515/2005 In the case of N.R. Parmar Vs. UOl & Ors
I) The cases of seniority already settled with reference to the applicable interpretation of the term availability, as contained in DoPT O.M. dated 7.2.86/3.7.86 may not be reopened.
7. As the conferment of seniority would be against the Recruitment Year in which the recruitment process is initiated for filling up of the vacancies, It is incumbent upon all administrative authorities to ensure that the recruitment process is initiated during the vacancy year itself. While requisition for filling up the vacancies for direct recruitment should be sent to the recruiting agency, complete in all respects, during the vacancy year itself, the timelines specified in the Model Calendar for DPCs contained in DoPT O.M. No.22011/9/98-Estt(D)dated 8.9.98 and the Consolidated Instructions on DPCs contained In O.M.No.22011/S/86-Estt(D) dated April 10, 1989 should be scrupulously adhered to, for filling up the vacancies against promotion quota.

Download DOPT Office Memorandum No. 20011/1/2012-Estt. (D) dated 04.03.2014

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Recruitment for 177 posts of ASO in Odisha Secretariat

Government in Home Department have sent a memorandum to the Empowerment Committee comprising of Finance Department, Planning & Coordination Department, ST&SC Development Department and General Administration & Public Grievance Department for their views.
As per vacancies for the year 2018 and 2019, there are 186 ASO posts vacant (9 posts reserved for induction) in different Departments of Odisha Secretariat. Hence, if it gets approved by Government, then requisition may be sent to OPSC for conducting recruitment.
Hence it may be a good news for the candidates preparing for Government Services. They can expect this examination in 2021.

Best wishes for Rathayatra

Monday, 22 June 2020

Time schedule for rituals of Rath Yatra

Supreme Court allowed Rath Yatra only in Puri, Odisha with certain restrictions.

In light of assurances made by the state government and the Centre, the Court said,
"Indeed, if it is possible to ensure that there is no public attendance, we see no reason why the Rath Yatra cannot be conducted safely along its usual route from temple to temple."
-- Supreme Court
While allowing the Rath Yatra in Puri to be conducted from June 23, the Court has subjected the order to the following conditions:
1. Puri to be locked down: All entry points into the City of Puri, i.e., airports, railway stations, bus stands, etc., shall be closed during the period of the Rath Yatra festival.
2. Imposition of Curfew: The Odisha government shall impose a curfew in the City of Puri on all the days and during all the time when Rath Yatra chariots are taken in procession. The curfew can be extended if necessary. During the period of curfew, no one would be allowed to come out of their houses or their places of residence, such as, hotels, lodging houses, etc. The curfew shall begin tonight (June 22) at 8 P.M.
3. Only those who test COVID-19 negative to pull chariots: Each Rath or Chariot shall be pulled by not more than 500 persons. Each of those 500 persons shall be tested for the Coronavirus. They shall be permitted to pull the chariot only if they have been found negative. The number 500 shall include officials and police personnel.
4. Interval in Chariot pulling: There shall be an interval of one hour between two chariots.
5. Social Distancing: Each person engaged in pulling the chariot shall maintain social distancing before, during and after the Rath Yatra.
6. Ritual performers to be COVID-19 negative: Only such persons shall be associated with the rituals who have been found to have tested negative and shall maintain social distancing.
7. Officers in-charge: The primary responsibility for conducting the Rath Yatra in accordance with the conditions and other norms shall be that of the Committee in-charge of the Puri Jagannath Temple administration. Each member of the Committee shall be responsible for due compliance with the conditions imposed by this Court and the general directions which govern ensuring of public health issued by the Centre. In addition, the officers designated by the state government for conduct of the Rath Yatra shall be responsible likewise.
8. Telecast of Rath Yatra: The rituals and the Rath Yatra shall be freely covered by the visual media. The state government shall allow TV cameras to be installed at such places as may be found necessary by the TV crew.
9. Minimum participation: Bare minimum number of people shall be allowed by the Committee to participate in the rituals and in the Rath Yatra.
10. State-Centre coordination: The state government may take such help as may be found necessary from the Union government. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta has assured the Court that the Centre shall offer all assistance and help to the in this endeavour.
11. Maintain record of participants: The state government shall maintain a record containing details of all those who have been allowed to participate in the Rath Yatra or the rituals connected therewith along with details of their medical conditions after testing.

Press Release of Law Department regarding Rathayatra

Sunday, 21 June 2020

EVA's Pitara : Be Creative

Although there are so many hidden talents among us, we wait for a suitable platform to explore through it. Besides our day-to-day routine work, we like to spend time with our hobbies and will be more happy in sharing with others.
Similarly, Miss Smita Lugun, ASO (Works Department) is running a YouTube Channel with posts of her creatives. We hope you will like it and subscribe for upcoming videos.

Another artist among us : Mr Abhisek

Earlier we have seen the talent of Amarendra Behera, ASO in the category of ART like his village scene, eminent personalities and others.
Now, another artist, Abhisek Pattnaik, ASO (Works Department) joined our cadre with such type of extra curricular activities.
We can call him an all-rounder in the field of write ups, art, poems as well as blogging.

Follow his blog for short write ups.