Saturday 4 September 2021

God is good : Experience in a Covid Hospital

Krakow, October 2020

Even with a lot of care, we caught the bloody virus. Us 3! Each to a different degree. Helena had a cough for a morning and a maximum temperature of 37,6°C. After that, she was already asymptomatic. Detail: Helena has asthma. Matheus had headache, muscle pain, loss of smell and taste. What about me? Well I was pregnant!

After years and years trying to get pregnant again, in 2020 we were blessed with Artur's life. I was 32 weeks old when I started with symptoms. I had the same symptoms as Matheus, until the 5st day of the beginning of symptoms I started with dry cough, like I was allergic. The next day Matheus called the health service and asked a doctor to come check me out at home. 1 hours passed and the doctor arrived. Clean lungs, good saturation. Guidance to continue at home with prescribed treatment.

The days passed and the cough didn't improve. The doctor visited me on Sunday On Thursday I woke up and went all morning without feeling Artur move. Anyone who accompanied my gestation knows that I always said that Artur is very active, I started to feel his movements very early. He kicked me too hard And on that day, nothing moves. Ate sweet stayed in many different positions and nothing. So Matheus called emergency service to ask which hospital I should go to, after all because of covid I couldn't go to any maternity.

Matheus took me to maternity and getting there I've already been put into isolation. The doctor did an ultrasonography and saw that everything was fine with Artur, thank God. She had a lung ultrasonography too, which confirmed pneumonia. All of this on the 29/10/2020. th. I was very well attended at the hospital, I was sent to their covid ICU and I have already started receiving antibiotics and oxygen support.

Day 30 morning the doctor warned me that they would try to extend my gestation as long as possible, but that depending on my laboratory exams Artur could be born that same day. And that's exactly what happened. Day 30/10/2020 at 11 am Artur was born with 33 weeks pregnant. With great weight and size I could neither see nor lean on Artur, COVID protocol, but I heard his crying. Artur went straight to the neonatal ICU and the nurses always came to tell me about him. Same day ICU team sent Artur pics to me Artur didn't need to be intubated, he was super well and stable in the Non-Invasive Ventilation (VNI). What about me?

Well... I felt better after the cesarea, probably because doctors could give me different medications since I wasn't pregnant anymore. Meanwhile, this lasted shortly... hours passed and I needed an increasing flow of oxygen. Until they chose to put me on Non-Invasive Ventilation too.

For those who don't know, I'm a physical therapist and worked for several years in hospital in Brazil. I have accoplected several patients in VNI. And then it came my turn to use. I knew exactly what to expect. And tolerated using for several hours, but... Dawn arrived from the 31/10th to the 01/11th and I couldn't do it anymore. I knew I was in respiratory failure and, I knew there was only one way: orotracheal intubation. The team that attended me was humanized, explained everything that would happen. Had time to talk to Matheus, got to message some family members and then got sedated.

Woke up on the 17/11/2020. th. In a completely different ICU, I knew I would be transferred from hospital, the staff explained to me before intubation. Woke up tracheostomized, chest drain because of pneumothorax, fully monitored. I was in shock. When I saw that I was tracheostomized I knew that I had spent a good time in ICU. And I was very confused. Because of the sedation, I spent several days in delirium. It's been hard days. I had the memory of being pregnant, but I knew nothing more about Artur. The ICU team consulted Artur's prompt and gave me news, but due to the delirium I couldn't connect the dots and understand that it was my baby they were talking about.

Over the days I've improved delirium, breathing and focused more on motor rehabilitation. The day of my decanulation is a day I will never forget, what a feeling of relief to be without the tracheostomy!
On the 21/11th, I was discharged to the infirmary and on the 27/11th (Our Lady of Graces) I was dischar Very weak still, could barely walk. Matheus and my mom (yes! my mom made it here) they had to help me with everything. But day after day I've been strengthening and rehabilitating myself.

And Artur?? Artur is a warrior! Strong as his name. He spent 4 days in ICU and has already gone to infirmary. He has not been infected by COVID. Once Matheus got out of isolation, you can now start visiting Artur. The staff that cared for my baby sent several photos of him to Matheus and always gave news. Artur was discharged on the 01/12/2020. th

Why did I decide to write all this? Because these times, listening to a homily, a priest said: grace received must be grace witnessed. It took me too long to write about it I know. I already had a mental script, but sitting down to write was hard. It's being like reliving all the moments I remember.

I had 90 % of lungs hit by the virus. Yes, you read it right: 90 %. The doctors prepared Matheus for the worst a few times. But with God's grace, I survived. Artur survived. Matheus and Helena survived too It was a very difficult period of our lives, but we could count on a huge support network. Our relatives, relatives, friends, acquaintances and unknowns. Many people have prayed for us daily. Many masses have been offered. People arranged to cook for people, shop, bring gifts for Helena and Artur. Artur's trousseau was almost done before we got sick, but there was still a lack of hygiene stuff. When I got home everything was here! Everything a baby could need in the first few months was ready just waiting for him to arrive. Even human milk was donated to Artur. Unfortunately after all this I couldn't breastfeed him.

I opted not to quote any names here, from any of these people who helped us. They deserve to be quoted and deserve much more than that, but I'm sure I'd forget someone and commit an injustice.

God is good God is good all the time I'm sure my family and I received a miracle. And before all tribulations He never left us. All that happened, only strengthened my faith and truly converted me. I could truly feel the love of God in my life.

When I tell people our story, I always say that God held Arthur in my womb that morning of the 29/10/2020. th. If he hadn't stopped moving, I wouldn't have gone to the hospital that day. And if I took longer to receive intensive care, the end of this story might be very different. I also think after that morning, Artur never stopped quiet again hahahaha

With God's grace today we are all healthy, no sequels. With scars? Yessssssssssssss But they are marks to remind me at all times to be grateful to the Lord for being alive.
To all of you who have helped and prayed for our family: know that you are in our daily prayers and have our deep gratitude. Thank you so much for everything. 

# A real story : copied from WhatsApp message shared by the lady (my college friend)

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